
an alternative npm registry written in Go

MIT License


nerva (PoC)

nerva is a RESTful, package.json-aware registry server. It aims to offer a fast and easy to maintain alternative to npm. The registry server can either be run as a public-facing service or as a private hosting facility. Clients, such as npm or ied, can locate packages hosted on a system running nerva.


nerva aims to be a configurable, but easy to maintain registry server. nerva is primarily designed for medium-sized teams trying to implement a unified package management system, while keeping control over package distribution and access management (e.g. in larger corporations that require an on-premise solution).


nerva implements the [CommonJS] 1 registry specification that defines a standardized way of identifying and locating packages.

Unified hosting

npm introduces lots of redundant concepts that already exist in ordinary version control systems, such as Git tags.

nerva doesn't try to re-implement git, instead it consumes git repositories and exposes them in a way that allows them to be consumed by Common JS registry compliant package managers (such as the npm CLI itself).

Here is a breakdown of commands / concepts / features introduced by npm and their respective equivalents in nerva:

  • npm tag

    nerva uses git tags to locate packages. Every git tag pushed to nerva's storage directory can be used in an npm installation. E.g. git tag experimental && git push nerva --tags instructs nerva to generate a corresponding package tag. Therefore npm install package@experimental "just works". No more npm tag experimental!

  • npm publish

    nerva's single source of truth is its storage directory. Nevertheless, nerva doesn't make any assumptions about how the storage directory itself is being managed. Usually it would be exposed via a SSH server. In that case, publishing a package via git push nerva is one possible way to make the package consumable.

    Alternatively setting up a CRON job or GitHub webhook that does a git fetch

    • in more or less - regular intervals is a viable alternative. In that case
      nerva's storage directory acts as a Git mirror.
  • npm install

    npm install relies on the Common JS registry specification, which nerva implements to a large extent. nerva also dynamically generates checksums of package tarballs, thus enabling clients to verify the integrity of an installed dependency. In other words, npm install works just like with any registry server.

Git as a database

nerva doesn't have any external dependencies. As such, nerva uses the storage directory defined via nerva -storage=/storage or

The storage directory should be a "flat" directory containing Git repositories. Although not required, it is recommended to use bare repositories.

The name of each package within the storage can be mapped to a hosted package. Therefore storage defaults to the ./packages directory in the current working directory.

For instance, a storage directory might have the following structure:

└── tape
    └── .git
└── ied
    └── .git

1 directory

In this case, nerva would expose the tape and ied packages. Git's object database would be used in order to dynamically generate tarballs for the requested versions.

Upstream registries

If users running npm install try to install a package which hasn't been "pushed" to nerva, nerva optionally redirects, but doesn't proxy, incoming requests to an alternative "upstream" registry.

The default upstream registry is the publicly-facing npm registry (

To configure an upstream registry, specify the registry's root URL via the -upstreamURL flag, e.g. via nerva -upstreamURL=

Alternatively, you can specify the upstream as a "backend" in your .nerva.[yaml|json|...] configuration file:



Dependency management in Node.js is broken.

The idea of having a separate registry server as a redundant hosting facility for projects that are already hosted on services such as GitHub is unnecessary.

npm publish is an unneeded complication. You already tag releases of using Git, there shouldn't be a need for manually publishing individual versions of a hosted package. An ideal registry server shouldn't try to re-implement version control, instead it should "infer" arbitrary versions of a package.

As a consequence of npm's current architecture, package authors are able to publish arbitrary, potentially dangerous tarballs. While the current npm registry is unlikely to go away anytime soon, running a private npm registry leads to similar problems. nerva tries to offer a compelling alternative for running a private Common JS registry (such as npm enterprise).

Project Status

The project is in pre-alpha stage. While the registry server is in an usable state, the documentation is currently insufficient and the setup process tedious.

At this stage, nerva is mostly a proof of concept.

Development Setup

As a compiled binary without any significant external dependencies, nerva is pretty easy to setup and very configurable.

During development, clone down the repository and build the nerva command. Dependencies are being managed via godep. nerva has a dependency on git2go, which provides libgit2 bindings. Make sure to install libgit2 (e.g. via brew install libgit2) before building the binary.

  1. Install libgit2
  2. Clone down:

go get

  1. Run


nerva comes with sensible defaults, but is very configurable. During development, having a .nerva config file is usually not recommended.

Production Setup

Warning nerva is currently mainly a proof of concept. If you encounter any issues, please file an issue.

For production usage, use one of the provided binaries.


nerva is a binary. Currently the only supported subcommand is the registry command, which starts the actual registry server.

The registry can be configured via environment variables, command line flags or an external configuration file.

~/g/s/g/a/nerva (master) $ ./nerva
Common JS registry server

  nerva [command]

Available Commands:
  registry    Start a new registry server

  -c, --config string         config file (default $HOME/.nerva.json|toml|yaml|yml|properties|props|prop|hcl)
  -h, --help                  help for nerva
  -f, --logFormatter string   log formatter (default "text")
  -l, --logLevel string       log level (default "info")

Use "nerva [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The registry command starts the actual registry server in the current working directory:

~/g/s/g/a/nerva (master) $ ./nerva registry --help
Start a new registry server

  nerva registry [flags]

      --addr string          address to bind to for listening (default "")
      --certFile string      path to TLS certificate file
      --keyFile string       path to TLS key file
      --shaCacheSize int     size of SHA1-cache (default 500)
      --storageDir string    storage directory to use for Git repositories (default "./packages")
      --upstreamURL string   upstream Common JS registry (default "")

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string         config file (default $HOME/.nerva.json|toml|yaml|yml|properties|props|prop|hcl)
  -f, --logFormatter string   log formatter (default "text")
  -l, --logLevel string       log level (default "info")

The external configuration file can be in a variety of formats, including toml, yaml, yml, properties, props, prop, hcl.

A complete config file (in YAML) might look as follows:

  addr: ":8080"

  # HTTPS is supported. To enable it, provide the respective cert and key
  # files.
  certFile: "..."
  keyFile: "..."

  storageDir: "./packages"
  upstreamURL: ""

  # The SHA cache is being used in order to map Git object ids to the shasums
  # of the generated package tarballs.
  shaCacheSize: 5000


Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.


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