
Filterable (grep, head and tail) HTTP file server

MIT License


NVGD - Night Vision Goggles Daemon

HTTP file server to help DevOps.


How to use

Download an archive file which matches to your environment from latest release.

Extract an executable nvgd or nvgd.exe from the archive file. Then copy it to one of directory in PATH environment variable. (ex. /usr/local/bin)


$ nvgd


$ curl

NOTE: Pre-compiled binary for Linux is built with newer glibc. So it can't be run on Linux with old glibc, like CentOS 7 or so. In that case, you must compile nvgd by your self. Please check next section to build from source.

Build from source

Nvgd uses replace directives. So it couldn't be installed with go install for now.

Requirements to build:

  • Go 1.19 or above (1.20.4 is recommended)
  • Git
  • C compiler (gcc or clang) for CGO
# Check out source.
$ git clone -b v1.12.2 --depth 1 https://github.com/koron/nvgd.git nvgd

# Change current working directory.
$ cd nvgd

# Build and install.
$ go install

See also: How to build on CentOS 7

Acceptable path

Nvgd accepts path in these like format:



Nvgd supports these protocols:

  • file - /file:///path/to/source

    • support glob like *

  • command - result of pre-defined commands

  • s3obj

    • get object: /s3obj://bucket-name/key/to/object
  • s3list

    • list common prefixes and objects: /s3list://bucket-name/prefix/of/key
  • db - query pre-defined databases

    • query id and email form users in db_pq:

      /db://db_pq/select id,email from users
    • support multiple databases:

      /db://db_pq2/foo/select id,email from users
      /db://db_pq2/bar/select id,email from users

      This searches from foo and bar databases.

    • show query form for db_pq:

  • db-dump - dump tables to XLSX.

    curl -o dst.xlsx

    Or access by web browser. Then start to download a excel file.

  • db-restore - restore (clear all and import) tables from XLSX.

    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' \
      --data-binary @src.xlsx

    Or access by web browser. You can upload a excel file from the form.

  • db-update - update tables by XLSX (upsert)

    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' \
      --data-binary @src.xlsx

    Or access by web browser. You can upload a excel file from the form.

  • redis - access to redis.

    See document for details.

  • trdsql - TRDSQL query editor

    See docuemnt for detail.

  • echarts - ECharts query editor

    See docuemnt for detail.

  • examples - Example files to use demo/document of filters

  • config - current nvgd's configuration

    /config:// or /config/ (alias)

  • help - show help (README.md) of nvgd.

    /help:// or /help/ (alias)

    It would be better that combining with markdown filter.

  • version - show nvgd's version

    Path is /version:// or /version/ (alias)

See also:

Configuration file

Nvgd takes a configuration file in YAML format. A file nvgd.conf.yml in current directory or given file with -c option is loaded at start.

nvgd.conf.yml consist from these parts:

# Listen IP address and port (OPTIONAL, default is "")
addr: ""

# Path prefix for absolute links, use for sub-path multiple tenancy
path_prefix: /tenant_name/

# Destination (path or keyword) for error log, default is `(stderr)`
error_log: (stderr)

# Destination (path or keyword) for access log, default is `(discard)`
access_log: (stdout)

# File which served as "/" root.
root_contents_file: "/opt/nvgd/index.html"

# Configuration for protocols (OPTIONAL)

  # File protocol handler's configuration.

  # Pre-defined command handlers.

  # AWS S3 protocol handler configuration (see other section, OPTIONAL).

  # DB protocol handler configuration (OPTIONAL, see below)

# Configuration for each filters (OPTIONAL)




# Default filters: pair of path prefix and filter description.

# Custom prefix aliases, see later "Prefix Aliases" section.

# Enable "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" (CORS).
# This value is put with "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header in responses.
access_control_allow_origin: "*"

File Protocol Handler


    - '/var/log/'
    - '/etc/'

    - '/etc/ssh'
    - '/etc/passwd'

  use_unixtime: true

This configuration has locations, forbiddens properties. These props define accessible area of file system.

When paths are given as locations, only those paths are permitted to access, others are forbidden. Otherwise, all paths are accessible.

When forbiddens are given, those paths can't be accessed even if it is under path in locations.

If the value of use_unixtime property is set to true, UNIX time will be used instead of RFC1123 for all time expressions: modified_at or so.

Command Protocol Handlers

Configuration of pre-defined command protocol handler maps a key to corresponding command source.


  "df": "df -h"
  "lstmp": "ls -l /tmp"

This enables two resources under command protocol.

  • /command://df
  • /command://lstmp

You could add filters of course, like: /command://df?grep=re:foo

Config S3 Protocol Handlers

Configuration of S3 protocor handlers consist from 2 parts: default and buckets. default part cotains default configuration to connect S3. And buckets part could contain configuration for each buckets specific.


  # IANA timezone to show times (optional).  "Asia/Tokyo" for JST.
  timezone: Asia/Tokyo

  # default configuration to connect to S3 (REQUIRED for S3)

    # Access key ID for S3 (REQUIRED)
    access_key_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    # Secret access key (REQUIRED)
    secret_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    # Access point to connect (OPTIONAL, default is "ap-northeast-1")
    region: ap-northeast-1

    # Session token to connect (OPTIONAL, default is empty: not used)
    session_token: xxxxxxx

    # MaxKeys for S3 object listing. valid between 1 to 1000.
    # (OPTIONAL, default is 1000)
    max_keys: 10

    # HTTP PROXY to access S3. (OPTIONAL, default is empty: direct access)
    http_proxy: "http://your.proxy:port"

  # bucket specific configurations (OPTIONAL)

    # bucket name can be specified as key.
      # same properties with "default" can be placed at here.

    # other buckets can be added here.

  # UNIX time will be used instead of RFC1123 for all time expression:
  # `modified_at` or so. (OPTIONAL)
  use_unixtime: true

Config DB Protocol Handler

Sample of configuration for DB protocol handler.

  # key could be set favorite name for your database
    # driver supports 'postgres' or 'mysql' for now
    driver: 'postgres'
    # name is driver-specific source name (DSN)
    name: 'postgres://pqgotest:password@localhost/pqgotest?sslmode=verify-full'
    # limit number of rows for a query (default: 100)
    max_rows: 50

  # sample of connecting to MySQL
    driver: 'mysql'
    name:   'user:password@/dbname'

With above configuration, you will be able to access those databases with below URLs or commands.

  • curl ''
  • curl ''


To restore or update MySQL database with db-restore or db-update protocol, we recommend to use TRADITIONAL mode to make MySQL checks types strictly. You should add ?sql_mode=TRADITIONAL to connection URL to enabling it.


      driver: mysql
      name: "mysql:abcd1234@tcp("

Multiple Databases in an instance

To make DB protocol handler connect with multiple databases in an instance, there are 3 steps to make it enable.

  1. Add multiple_database: true property to DB configuration.

  2. Add {{.dbname}} placeholder in value of name.

  3. Access to URL /db://DBNAME@db_pq/you query.

    DBNAME is used to expand {{.dbname}} in above.

As a result, your configuration would be like this:

    driver: 'postgres'
    name: 'postgres://pqgotest:password@localhost/{{.dbname}}?sslmode=verify-full'
    multiple_database: true

  # sample of connecting to MySQL
    driver: 'mysql'
    name:   'user:password@/{{.dbname}}'
    multiple_database: true

Configure filters

Some filters can be configured by filters section.

  • custom_css_urls: Array of string. Specify external CSS's URL for each string.

    Supported filters: htmltable, indexhtml, markdown

    Example: markdown filter outputs two link elements to including external CSS. indexhtml filters outputs a link elements for CSS.

        - https://www.kaoriya.net/assets/css/contents.css
        - https://www.kaoriya.net/assets/css/syntax.css
        - https://www.kaoriya.net/assets/css/contents.css

Default Filters

Default filters provide a capability to apply implicit filters depending on path prefixes. See Filters for detail of filters.

To apply tail filter for under /file:///var/log/ path:

    - "tail"

If you want to show last 100 lines, change like this:

    - "tail=limit:100"

You can specify different filters for paths.

    - "tail"
    - "head"

Default filters can be ignored separately by all (pseudo) filter.

Default filters are ignored for directories source of file protocols.


Nvgd supports these filters:

Filter Spec

Where {filters} is:


Where {filter} is:


Where {options} is:


See other section for detail of each filters.

Example: get last 50 lines except empty lines.


Grep filter

Output lines which matches against regular expression.

As default, matching is made for whole line. But when valid option field is given, then matching is made for specified a field, which is splitted by delim character.

grep command equivalent.

  • filter_name: grep
  • options
    • re - regular expression used for match.
    • match - output when match or not match. default is true.
    • field - a match target N'th field counted from 1.
      default is none (whole line).
    • delim - field delimiter string (default: TAB character).
    • context - show a few lines before and after the matched line.
      default is 0 (no contexts).
    • number - prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number.
      when true

Head filter

Output the first N lines.

head command equivalent.

  • filter_name: head
  • options
    • start - start line number for output. default is 0.
    • limit - line number for output. default is 10.

Tail filter

Output the last N lines.

tail command equivalent.

  • filter_name: tail
  • options
    • limit - line number for output. default is 10.

Cut filter

Output selected fields of lines.

cut command equivalent.

  • filter_name: cut
  • options:
    • delim - field delimiter string (default: TAB character).
    • white - use consecutive whites as one single field separator (default: false)
    • list - selected fields, combinable by comma ,.
      • N - N'th field counted from 1.
      • N-M - from N'th, to M'th field (included).
      • N- - from N'th field, to end of line.
      • -N - from first, to N'th field.

Pager filter

pager is a filter that divides the input stream into pages by lines that match the specified pattern.

  • filter_name: pager
  • options:
    • eop: Regular expression that matches page separator lines.

    • pages: Page number to output (1-based number)

      You can specify multiple pages separated by commas. Examples

      • 1: First page only
      • 2,4,6: Page 2, 4, and 6
      • -1: Last page
      • -3: 3rd page from the end
      • 1,-1: First and last pages
      • 10-12: Pages 10 to 12
    • num: Boolean. Output a page number at the top of the page.

      Example: (page 12)

Hash filter

Output hash value.

  • filter_name: hash
  • options:
    • algorithm - one of md5 (default), sha1, sha256 or sha512
    • encoding - one of hex (default), base64 or binary

Count filter

Count lines.

  • filter_name: count
  • options: (none)

LTSV filter

A filter that outputs only the specified labels from the rows of LTSV that match the another specified label value.

  • filter_name: ltsv
  • options:
    • grep - match parameter: {label},{pattern}
    • match - output when match or not match. default is true.
    • cut - selected labels, combinable by comma ,.

JSONArray filter

Convert each line as a string of JSON array.

  • filter_name: jsonarray
  • options: (none)

Index HTML filter

Convert LTSV to Index HTML. (limited for s3list and files (dir) source for now)

  • filter_name: indexhtml
  • options:
    • timefmt: Time layout for "Modified At" or so. default is RFC1123.
      Possible values are, case insensitive: ANSIC, UNIX, RUBY, RFC822,
      RFC822Z, RFC850, RFC1123, RFC1123Z, RFC3339, RFC3339NANO,
  • configurations:
    • custom_css_urls: list of URLs to link as CSS.

Example: list objects in S3 bucket "foo" with Index HTML.

This filter should be the last of filters.

HTML Table filter

Convert LTSV to HTML table.

  • filter_name: htmltable
  • options:
    • linefeed - boolean: expand all \n as linefeed.
  • configurations:
    • custom_css_urls: list of URLs to link as CSS.

Example: query id and email column from users table on mine database.,email%20from%20users?htmltable

This filter should be the last of filters.

Text Table filter

Convert LTSV to plain text table.

  • filter_name: texttable
  • options: (none)

Example: query id and email column from users table on mine database.,email%20from%20users?texttable

Above query generate this table.

|  id |        email          |
|    0|[email protected]        |
|    1|[email protected]        |

This filter should be the last of filters.

Markdown filter

Convert markdown text to HTML.

  • filter_name: markdown
  • options: (none)
  • configurations:
    • custom_css_urls: list of URLs to link as CSS.

Example: show help in HTML.

Refresh filter

Add "Refresh" header with specified time (sec).

  • filter_name: refresh
  • options: interval seconds to refresh. 0 for disable.

Example: Open below URL using WEB browser, it refresh in each 5 seconds automatically.

Download filter

Add "Content-Disposition: attachment" header to the response. It make the browser to download the resource instead of showing in it.

  • filter_name: download
  • options: (none)

Example: download the file "messages" and would be saved as file.

TRDSQL filter

TRDSQL filter provides SQL on CSV. See docuemnt for detail.

Echarts filter

Echarts filter provides drawing charts feature. See docuemnt for detail.

All (pseudo) filter

Ignore default filters

  • filter_name: all
  • options: (none)

Example: if specified some default filters for file:///var/, this ignore those.

Prefix Aliases

nvgd supports prefix aliases to keep compatibilities with koron/night. Currently these aliases are registered.

  • files/ -> file:///
  • commands/ -> command://
  • config/ -> config://
  • help/ -> help://
  • trdsql/ -> trdsql:///
  • echarts/ -> echats:///
  • version/ -> version://

For example this URL:

It works same as below URL:

Custom prefix aliases

You can add custom prefix aliases with aliases section in nvgd.conf.yml.

For example with below settings...

  'dump/': 'db-dump://'

You can dump a "mytable" table in "mydb" RDBMS with this URL:

Instead of this:

Custom prefix aliases can be used to avoid to containing :// sub string in path.


  • koron/night previous implementation which written in NodeJS.