

onepixel (

"onepixel" is an API-first URL shortener.

Why this name?

A URL shortener should have a short domain name, possibly 2 or 3 letter in length. "1 pixel" is the smallest unit of a screen. So stands for one pixel links - i.e. smallest possible links :)

Status Badges

Hosted Instance (

The latest version of the code is automatically deployed via Railway to

You can deploy your own instance too


There are two databases used in this project

  1. Application DB
    This stores users, shortlinks and link groups
  2. Events/Analytics DB
    This stores every redirection event used for analytics and stats

Production Configuration

Purpose Database
Application DB PostgreSQL
Events DB Clickhouse

Test Configuration

For tests on CI it is better to use small embedded databases instead of spinning up a full database server.

Purpose Database
Application DB SQLite
Events DB DuckDB

[!NOTE] You can also override .onepixel.local.env to use the embedded databases for local development but they are not recommended for production use.


Deploy everything (with Docker)

Simplest way to get it running is

  1. make a ./data directory where your database will be stored
  2. run docker-compose up

Run with hot-reload for local development

With Docker

We will use docker to run an instance of our databases, but we will run the project using air locally

  1. make the following directories where your database will be stored
    1. ./data for postgres
    2. ./clk_data for clickhouse
    3. ./clk_logs for clickhouse logs
  2. run docker-compose up -d postgres clickhouse
  3. run air in the root directory of the project 1

Without Docker

We will be using the embedded databases for local development without docker

  1. Make the following changes in .onepixel.local.env
  2. run air in the root directory of the project 1

Note[1]: you can also run go run src/main.go but it will not reload on changes