
serve a static website as a .onion hidden service


hidden service server

A CLI that will host a static website as a .onion hidden service.

Comes with an additional binary that can be used to generate vanity .onion addresses.


  • go1.17
  • tor 0.4.x
    • download source here https://www.torproject.org/download/tor/ or wget https://dist.torproject.org/tor-
    • download additional dependencies: sudo apt install libevent-dev libssl-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev -y
    • extract files (tar -xzf) and navigate to directory
    • ./configure && make && sudo make install. Check that tor is installed with tor --version.



make build

This places the binaries onioncli and onionaddress in the project root.


Instead of building the project, you can also run it:

go run ./cmd/... [flags]


To serve a static website:

./onioncli --serve-dir ~/my-website
$ 2022-04-13T10:44:44.217-0400	INFO	cmd	cmd/main.go:153	Open Tor browser and navigate to http://7ukuzklqxkwesfs3dla5zzj3bsjb6v2rx25bq3fr662qistclpixgxqd.onion

If you have run the CLI before and have a server private key already (by default stored in service.key), you can pass it to the CLI so that the .onion address used will be the same as before.

./onioncli --private-key=service.key --serve-dir ~/my-website

You can also turn on debug logs with --log=debug.

Vanity addresses

To find a vanity address and its private key:

./onionaddress --prefix <some-prefix> --count=3

This will search for and print 3 .onion addresses with the given prefix and their corresponding private keys. The private keys can be used with onioncli --private-key=<keyfile>.

Note: for 4-letter prefixes and less, this process is quite quick. For 5-letter prefixes, it took around ~30 minutes on my machine to find 1 address, for a 6-letter prefix, it took ~90 minutes. This grows exponentially the longer the prefix gets.