
DIY KVM for remote-controlling a computer even in BIOS

MIT License



DIY KVM device for remote-controlling a computer. KVM stands for Keyboard & Video & Mouse.

A side system on a rackmount server, IPMI in Dell Server for example.

Unlike an IP-KVM, this project respects VNC protocol.

Just like the MIT license says, no warranty or guarantee.

And do NOT use for any illegal purposes.


  • Installation script
    • Register as a system service
    • Start on boot
  • VNC authentication
  • More effective to calculate the difference between frames
    • Balance between the power of SBC and the network efficiency
    • Or achieve more support for noVNC, beyond rfc6143
  • Device filter for USB devices: for multiple device controlling
  • OTG as keyboard and mouse, see
    Linux USB Gadget API
  • Using a single command to get the frame for Video, like
    v4l2-ctl --device=/dev/video0 --stream-mmap --stream-count=1 --stream-to=- --set-fmt-video="width=640,height=480,pixelformat=MJPG"

Dev Environment


NONE of them is sponsored, use them at your own risk!

Essential hardware are:

  • A computer that can run Golang
  • HDMI Recorder
    • The common seen HDMI Recorder is a USB 3.0 device.
      There is only blank data from the HDMI Recorder on a USB 2.0 port.
      It seems that this is the problem of the HDMI Recorder itself,
      the HDMI Recorder I bought can NOT work on Linux (Debian ARM or Ubuntu 24.04) even with a USB 3.0 port.
      Then, on the selection of SBC, beware of the support of USB 3.0.
      • This should be the problem with HDMI recorder itself of the driver in Linux,
        I am lack of the knowledge of the driver in Linux, but I might find a solution for it:
        # Display all USB device, make sure the HDMI recorder is in 480M or above
        lsusb -t
        # /:  Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci-hcd/1p, 480M
        #     |__ Port 1: Dev 3, If 0, Class=Video, Driver=uvcvideo, 480M
        #     |__ Port 1: Dev 3, If 1, Class=Video, Driver=uvcvideo, 480M
        #     |__ Port 1: Dev 3, If 2, Class=Audio, Driver=snd-usb-audio, 480M
        #     |__ Port 1: Dev 3, If 3, Class=Audio, Driver=snd-usb-audio, 480M
        # Get the id of the USB device
        # Bus 001 Device 003: ID 1de1:f105 Actions Microelectronics Co. Hagibis
        # Reset the USB device
        # Replace this with the id or the name of your USB device. 
        # For me, this is `Hagibis` or `1de1:f105`
        usbreset Hagibis
        # Capture one frame from device
        v4l2-ctl --verbose \
        --device=/dev/video0 \
        --stream-mmap \
        --stream-count=1 \
        --stream-to=frame.jpg \
        # BUT! But, in size of 1920x1080, frame will be corrupted
        # Without resetting the USB device, there will be some error message in `dmesg` command
        # Non-zero status (-71) in video completion handler.
        # Here are some helpful commands
        # List all video devices
        v4l2-ctl --list-devices
        # List all supported formats for a video device
        v4l2-ctl --list-formats -d [device name or path or index] # v4l2-ctl --list-formats -d 0
        # List all supported frame sizes
        v4l2-ctl --list-framesizes [pixel format] -d [device] # v4l2-ctl --list-framesizes MJPEG -d 0
    • Or a webcam with an always-on monitor.
      • I know...this is a stupid way -- pointing a camera to a screen.
  • Keyboard & Mouse Emulator
    • ESP32-S3
    • ESP32-S2
    • Arduino?
    • Some other device that supports USB HID output.
      • HID over BLE is not recommended, because it may not work in BIOS.
  • Relay and/or delayed relay

My Gears


  • Test Device:
  • Some SD cards.
  • Some USB Type-C2C/C2A cables.
  • A HDMI cable.
  • Some power supplies.

It costs about 300 RMB 40 USD.

Price is for reference only, the actual price may vary.



, FeiShu Doc


Debian ARM64

  1. Install GO dev kit
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y wget curl ffmpeg v4l-utils
    wget "$GO_ZIP"
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "$GO_ZIP"
  2. Pull this repo
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y git
    git clone
  3. Install OpenCV
    • Method 1: Install from APT
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install -y build-essential g++ cmake pkg-config unzip libopencv-dev
      # But in BTT-Pi, it is only up tp v4.5.1
      # Then, I have to change the version of `` to corresponding version
      sed -i 's/\/x\/gocv v0.36.1/\/x\/gocv opencv-4.5.1/g' openkvm/go.mod
    • Method 2: Build OpenCV from source
      This may cost over 10 hours to build on BTT-Pi, I crashed at 96% :(
      mkdir opencv4 && cd opencv4
      wget -O
      mkdir -p build && cd build
      cmake ../opencv-4.x
      cmake --build .
  4. Get noNVC
    git clone --depth 1
    # [Optional] You can run noVNC separately
    python3 -m http.server --directory noVNC/ 8081
  5. Flash ESP32-S3
    • PIO: Espressif has dropped the support for PIO in ESP-IDF v5.x. See git log to
      retrieve the code.
      • Open folder km/esp32s3 of this project in VSCode
      • After installing PlatformIO
        • Go to PlatformIO Tab
        • PROJECT TASKS -> Default -> General -> Upload
        • Or open command palette and type PlatformIO: Upload
          • + shift + p on macOS to open command palette
          • ctrl + shift + p on Windows or Ubuntu
    • Arduino
      • Open Perferences -> Additional Board Manager URLs ->
        • Click HERE for more details
      • Open km/esp32s3-arduino/main/main.ino
        with Arduino IDE
      • Select board ESP32S3 Dev Module and corresponding port
      • Click Upload
  6. Run or build repo
    cd openkvm
    cp kvm.toml.tpl kvm.toml
    # Find out serial port
    dmesg | grep tty
    # Edit this file to apply your settings
    vim kvm.toml 
    # Should run with super user privilege
    sudo go run .
  7. Open browser and go to http://ip:8080/vnc.html, then click Connect
    • Hostname and port may vary depending on your settings
