
Go Typed ORM

MIT License



An attempt to write a typed ORM for Go.

Check out the Wiki for documentation.

This repository gives a command line tool, called orm, for generating ORM code for a given struct. The generated code is typed and has no interface{}s arguments and returns values as in other ORM Go libraries.

In addition to compile time checks, editor completion and minimizing coding confusion, the generated code results in accelerated performance - no reflections are needed in run time, and database data decoding is faster when you know the target type.

This tools gives all basic database operations, and handling of complex relation between types.


Check out the examples.

Running the orm command on the Person struct in the tests package, will create a person_orm.go file, with ORM functions for the given struct. Those functions can interact with a database object created from orm.Open function.

Notice that all operations are typed, Age is an int, Name is a string, the tests.Person is used in the arguments and in the return values.

import (
	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

func main() {
	// Open an SQL connection to a mysql database
	// We can set a connection logger with an optional OptLogger function which will log
	// all executed SQL statements with our favorite logger.
	db, err := orm.Open("mysql", "user:password@(", orm.OptLogger(log.Printf))
	defer db.Close()
	// NewPersonORM was generated with the `orm` command line.
	// It returns an object that interacts with the database.
	// This was generated for a struct:
	// type Person struct {
	//      Name       string
	//      Age        int
	// }
	person, err := NewPersonORM(db)
	// Create a table:
	// The AutoMigrate modifier will cause the create table function to try and
	// migrate an existing table. Current implementation supports adding columns
	// and foreign keys.
	err = person.Create().AutoMigrate().Exec()
	// Insert a row with arguments:
	// The Insert() function returns a builder, which has functions according
	// to the struct's fields. The nice thing here: SetName's argument is of type
	// string, and SetAge's argument is of type int.
	// No room for run time errors!
	// The returned values are the created object, of type *Person, and an error,
	// in case that there was an error in the INSERT operation. Everything is typed!
	john, err = person.Insert().SetName("John").SetAge(1).Exec()
	println(john.Name) // Output: John

	// Insert a row with a struct:
	// InsertPerson's argument is of type *Person, no room for run tme errors!
	// Again, Exec() returns a *Person and error objects.
	doug, err = person.Insert().InsertPerson(&tests.Person{Name: "Doug", Age: 3}).Exec()
	println(doug.Name, doug.Age) // Output: Doug 3

	// Select rows from the table:
	// The Where() modifier adds a WHERE statement to the SQL query, it's input is a 
	// generated function with generated modifiers. Name() accepts a constant that 
	// defines the operation, and the second argument is of type string, so only valid
	// comparisons can be made, and they are checked in compile time.
	// Query() returns the slice []Person, and an error object. Everything is typed!
	persons, err := person.Select().
		Where(person.Where().Name(orm.OpEq, "John")).
		Query() // returns []tests.Person, typed return value.
	println(persons[0].Age) // Output: 1
	// Get first matching row or "not found" error
	// Again, the first argument is of type *Person!
	p1, err := person.Select().First()
	// Delete a row:
	// Here, we are using the Age() function of the Where() modifier, and it's second
	// argument is of type int, so only valid comparisons can be made.
	_, err = person.Delete().Where(person.Where().Age(orm.OpGt, 12)).Exec()
	// I think you get the vibe by now, needless to say it again. Everything is ...

Command Line Tool


go get -u github.com/posener/orm/cmd/orm


Run orm -h to get detailed usage information.

A simple use-case is to run `orm -type MyStruct

go generate

By adding the comment aside to the type deceleration, as shown below, one could run go generate ./... to generate the ORM files for MyType.

//go:generate orm -type MyType

type MyType struct {

Currently Supported Dialects:

  • mysql
  • postgres
  • sqlite

Compare with other Go ORMs

Here are the strengths of orm in comparison to other ORM libraries for Go.

GORM: is a mature, widely used, heavily debugged, favorable, and very recommended to use. orm advantages over GORM are: fully typed APIs, clear and explicit APIs, speed, support for Context, and support for custom logger.

Also, benchmarking results are available.