
PGP key poisoner



PGP Key Poisoner

This tool poisons PGP keys by attaching thousands, or more, valid but useless signatures. When these signatures are uploaded to a keyserver, the targeted key becomes unusable. The current, popular OpenPGP implementations are not robust against such attacks.


All inputs must be in binary form, not ASCII-armored. All outputs are also in binary form. The target key is fed to standard input, and the poisoned form is written to standard output. Only the first user ID on the input is poisoned.

usage: pgp-poisoner [-k FILE] [-n INT] <target.pgp >poisoned.pgp
  -h         print this help message
  -k FILE    signing secret keys output file [keys.pgp]
  -n INT     number of signatures to append [65536]

Each signature is valid, and all of the signing secret keys are saved to keys.pgp (configured via -k). In addition to the poisoned key, these keys could also be uploaded to keyservers to further harden the attack. The keys and signatures are given various random creation dates and names so that they cannot easily be filtered out.

The tool generates around 6,500 new signatures per second, so you can create a million junk signatures in just a few minutes.

Poisoning a test key

Want to see what a poisoned key looks like when imported to GnuPG? This will attach 200,000 junk signatures to a locally-generated key. I chose rsa4096, but the kind of key doesn't actually matter.

$ mkdir gen
$ gpg --homedir gen --batch --passphrase '' --quick-gen-key foo rsa4096
$ gpg --homedir gen --export >clean.pgp
$ pgp-poisoner -n200000 <clean.pgp >poison.pgp

After a few seconds you will now have two outputs: the poisoned key, poison.pgp (23MB), and all the secret keys used to create the signatures, keys.pgp (40MB). Try importing the poisoned key onto a temporary keyring:

$ mkdir tmp
$ gpg --homedir tmp --import poison.pgp

As of GnuPG 2.2.17, this last command will lock up for about 15 minutes, then ultimately fail to import the key after printing bogus information about it. Trying to --recv-key this key from a keyserver would have similar results, making the key unusable.


First and foremost, this tool creates configurable test inputs for OpenPGP implementations. My initial motivation was observing how various implementations handle these inputs.

Further, this attack has been known for years, and in 2019 it's been used against real keys on keyservers. This tool is nothing new and does not create any new capabilities. It's merely proof that such attacks are very easy to pull off. It doesn't take a nation-state actor to break the PGP ecosystem, just one person and couple evenings studying RFC 4880. This system is not robust.

As far as keyserver weaknesses go, key poisoning attacks are really just scratching the surface. For example, did you know other people can bind your subkeys to their primary key? Even when (if?) this fire is put out, more will likely follow.

This tool does not handle the final step of uploading the poisoned key to a keyserver, and there are a couple minor technical challenges involved in doing so successfully, probably beyond the reach of script kiddies. As shown, GnuPG chokes on poisoned keys — which is why the attack works so well — so it's not just a simple matter of importing the poisoned key and using --send-keys. I'm not interested in actually doing this step, so I will not solve these issues.