
Golang CLI library for on-the-fly typed commands with Cobra-like parsing

MIT License



Ask is a small CLI building package for Go, which enables you to define commands as data-types, without requiring full initialization upfront. This makes it suitable for shell applications, and CLIs with dynamic commands or just too many to load at once. Ask is composable and open, it is designed for highly re-usable flags, flag-groups and command extensibility.

In addition to common Go basic types, some special array/slice types are supported:

  • [](u)int(8/16/32/64): integer slices
  • []string: string slices (with CSV-like delimiter decoding, thanks pflag for the idea)
  • net.IP, net.IPMask, net.IPNet: common networking flags
  • []byte as hex-encoded string, case-insensitive, optional 0x prefix and padding
  • [N]byte, same as above, but an array
  • [][N]byte, a comma-separated list of elements, each formatted like the above.

Note: flags in between command parts, e.g. peer --foobar connect are not supported, but may be in the future.


Each flag and (optional) argument is declared as a struct-field in a command. Commands can be composed of different structs, inlined or grouped. Ask is designed to make command options as reusable as possible.

Struct tags:

  • ask: to declare a field as flag/arg.
    • ask:"<mainthing>": a positional required argument
    • ask:"[extrathing]: a positional optional argument
    • ask:"--my-flag: a long flag
    • ask:"-v: a shorthand flag
    • ask:"--verbose -v": a long flag with shorthand
    • ask:".: inline group
    • ask:".groupnamehere: flag group (can be nested)
  • help:"Infomation about flag here": define flag / flag-group usage info
  • hidden:"any value": to hide a flag from usage info
  • deprecated:"reason here": to mark a flag as deprecated
  • changed:"someflagname: to track if another flag has changed, for boolean struct fields only.


type BoundCmd struct {
    LowBound uint64 `ask:"--low -l" help:"Lower bound"`
    HighBound uint64 `ask:"--high -h" help:"higher bound"`
    KeyParam string `ask:"<key-param>" help:"Parameter to bound check"`

Inline group flags

Use ask:"." to mark the field as an inline group. The field can be regular or embedded. The below is equivalent to the above BoundCmd.

type Bounds struct {
    LowBound uint64 `ask:"--low -l" help:"Lower bound"`
    HighBound uint64 `ask:"--high -h" help:"higher bound"`

type BoundCmd struct {
	Bounds `ask:"."`
    KeyParam string `ask:"<key-param>" help:"Parameter to bound check"`

Group flags

Grouping flags helps avoid naming collisions, organizes the flags, and enables group-wise documentation. Groups start with . in the ask field declaration:

type ConnOptions struct {
	Port uint16 `ask:"--port"`
	IP   net.IP `ask:"--ip"`

type NodeCmd struct {
	Websocket   ConnOptions `ask:".ws" help:"Websocket connection options"`
    Tcp         ConnOptions `ask:".tcp" help:"Websocket connection options"`

And then flags look like:

my-node-cmd --ws.port=5000 --ws.ip= --tcp.port=8080 --tcp.ip=

Routing sub-commands

Implement the CommandRoute interface to return a sub-command.

func (c *RoutedCmd) Cmd(route string) (cmd interface{}, err error) {
	switch route {
    case "foo":
    	return nil, &BoundCmd{KeyParam: "foo"}
    case "bar":
        return nil, &BoundCmd{KeyParam: "bar"}
        return nil, UnrecognizedErr

The routing approach is different from any other CLI library, allowing for very dynamic command execution. Commands can pass along any data to sub-commands (with typing, no context/globals necessary). This also enables easy parametrization of commands, commands can even be recursive.

Route listing

Optionally a CommandRoute can also implement the Routes interface to inform Ask of valid inputs (for usage information, not part of validation).

func (c *RoutedCmd) Routes() []string {
	return []string{"foo", "bar"}

Running commands

Implement the Command interface to make a command executable:

func (c *BoundCmd) Run(ctx context.Context, args ...string) error {
	val := getExternalValue(ctx, c.KeyParam)
	if val < c.LowBound || val > c.HighBound {
		return fmt.Errorf("val %d (%s) out of bounds %d <> %d", val, c.KeyParam, c.LowBound, c.HighBound)
    return nil

The struct flags/args will be fully initialized before Run executes. Any unparsed trailing arguments are passed to args....


  • Commands and flag groups can implement the Help() string interface to output (dynamic) usage information.
  • Flag-groups and flags can specify the help struct-tag to declare static usage information.
func (c *BoundCmd) Help() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("checks if the %s is within bounds", c.KeyParam)


Commands can implement the InitDefault interface to specify non-zero flag defaults.

func (c *BoundCmd) Default() {
	c.LowBound = 20
	c.HighBound = 45


The standard Go flag Value interface func String() string, func Set(string) error can be used to define custom flags.

// ENRFlag wraps an ENR (special encoded address string) to make it a reusable flag type
type ENRFlag enr.Record

func (f *ENRFlag) String() string {
	enrStr, err := addrutil.EnrToString((*enr.Record)(f))
	if err != nil {
		return "? (invalid ENR)"
	return enrStr

func (f *ENRFlag) Set(v string) error {
	enrAddr, err := addrutil.ParseEnr(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	*f = *(*ENRFlag)(enrAddr)
	return nil


A custom flag type can be explicit about its type to enhance usage information, and not rely on a help description for repetitive type information.

func (f *ENRFlag) Type() string {
    return "ENR"


A boolean flag can omit the value to be interpreted as True, e.g. my-cli do something --awesome. For a flag to have an implicit value, implement this interface.

func (b *BoolValue) Implicit() string {
	return "true"


// load a command struct
cmd, err := Load(&MyCommandStruct{})

// Execute a command
subcmd, err := cmd.Execute(context.Background(), nil, "hello", "sub", "some", "args", "--here")

The help information, along usage info (flag set info + default values + sub commands list) can be retrieved from .Usage(showHidden) after Load()-ing the command.

For default options that are not "" or 0 or other Go defaults, the Default() interface can be implemented on a command, to set its flag values during Load().

For convenience ask.Run(&MyCommandStruct{}) can be used to parse args, run and shut-down with os.Interrupt (if io.Closer).


MIT, see LICENSE file.