
A project based off of my Pterodactyl Game Server Watch project.


Pterodactyl Packet Watch


A project based off of my Pterodactyl Game Server Watch tool. This specific project basically sends specified packet types and if the average response time (in milliseconds) goes beyond a specified threshold, misc options (web hooks) will be performed.

Command Line Flags

There is only one command line argument/flag and it is -cfg=<path>. This argument/flag changes the path to the Pteropckt config file. The default value is /etc/pteropckt/pteropckt.conf.

Examples include:

./pteropckt -cfg=/home/cdeacon/myconf.conf
./pteropckt -cfg=~/myconf.conf
./pteropckt -cfg=myconf.conf

Config File

The config file's default path is /etc/pteropckt/pteropckt.conf (this can be changed with a command line argument/flag as seen above). This should be a JSON array including the API URL, token, and an array of servers to check against. The main options are the following:

  • apiurl => The Pterodactyl API URL (do not include the / at the end).
  • token => The bearer token (from the client) to use when sending requests to the Pterodactyl API.
  • apptoken => The bearer token (from the application) to use when sending requests to the Pterodactyl API (this is only needed when addservers is set to true).
  • debug => The debug level (1-4).
  • reloadtime => If above 0, will reload the configuration file and retrieve servers from the API every x seconds.
  • addservers => Whether or not to automatically add servers to the config from the Pterodactyl API.
  • defenable => The default enable boolean of a server added via the Pterodactyl API.
  • defthreshold => The default threshold of a server added via the Pterodactyl API.
  • defcount => The default count (max latencies stored) of a server added via the Pterodactyl API.
  • definterval => The default interal between scanning servers of a server added via the Pterodactyl API.
  • deftimeout => The default packet timeout of a server added via the Pterodactyl API.
  • defmaxdetects => The default max detects of a server added via the Pterodactyl API.
  • defcooldown => The default cooldown between detects of a server added via the Pterodactyl API.
  • defmentions => The default mentions JSON for servers added via the Pterodactyl API.
  • servers => An array of servers to watch (read below).
  • misc => An array of misc options (read below).

Egg Variable Overrides

If you have the addservers setting set to true (servers are automatically retrieved via the Pterodactyl API), you may use the following egg variables as overrides to the specific server's config.

  • PTEROPCKT_DISABLE => If set to above 0, will disable the specific server from the tool.
  • PTEROPCKT_IP => If not empty, will override the server IP to scan with this value for the specific server.
  • PTEROPCKT_PORT => If not empty, will override the server port to scan with this value for the specific server.
  • PTEROPCKT_THRESHOLD => If not empty, will override the threshold with this value for the specific server.
  • PTEROPCKT_COUNT => If not empty, will override the count with this value for the specific server.
  • PTEROPCKT_INTERVAL => If not empty, will override the interval with this value for the specific server.
  • PTEROPCKT_TIMEOUT => If not empty, will override the timeout with this value for the specific server.
  • PTEROPCKT_MAXDETECTS => If not empty, will override max detects with this value for the specific server.
  • PTEROPCKT_COOLDOWN => If not empty, will override cooldown with this value for the specific server.
  • PTEROPCKT_MENTIONS => If not empty, will override the mentions JSON string with this value for the specific server.

Server Options/Array

This array is used to manually add servers to watch. The servers array should contain the following items:

  • name => The server's name.
  • enable => If true, this server will be scanned.
  • ip => The IP to send A2S_INFO requests to.
  • port => The port to send A2S_INFO requests to.
  • uid => The server's Pterodactyl UID.
  • threshold => The default threshold of the server.
  • count => The default count (max latencies stored) of the server.
  • interval => The default interal between scanning servers of the server.
  • timeout => The default packet timeout of the server.
  • maxdetects => The default max detects of the server.
  • cooldown => The default cooldown between detects of the server.
  • packets => The packets array.
  • mentions => A JSON string that parses all custom role and user mentions inside of web hooks for this server.

Packets Array

The server's packets array defines which packets the servers should send and the main point of the program.

  • name => The server's name.
  • data => The request payload in hexadecimal format with no spaces.
  • threshold => The threshold of the server.
  • count => The count (max latencies stored) of the server.
  • interval => The interal between scanning servers of the server.
  • timeout => The packet timeout of the server.
  • maxdetects => The max detects of the server.
  • cooldown => The cooldown between detects of the server.

The following is an example.

"packets": [
                "name": "name",
                "data": "FFFFFFFF54536F7572636520456E67696E6520517565727900"

Server Mentions Array

The server mentions JSON string's parsed JSON output includes a data list with each item including a role (boolean indicating whether we're mentioning a role) and id (the ID of the role or user in string format).

Here are some examples:

        "data": [
                        "role": true,
                        "id": "1293959919293959192"
                        "role": false,
                        "id": "1959192351293954123"

This is what it looks like inside of the mentions string.

        "servers": [
                        "mentions": "{\"data\":[{\"role\": true,\"id\": \"1293959919293959192\"},{\"role\": false,\"id\": \"1959192351293954123\"}]}"

The above will replace the {MENTIONS} text inside of the web hook's contents with <@&1293959919293959192>, <@1959192351293954123>.

Misc Options/Array

This tool supports misc options which are configured under the misc array inside of the config file. The only event supported for this at the moment is when a server is restarted from the tool. However, other events may be added in the future. An example may be found below.

        "misc": [
                        "type": "misctype",
                        "data": {
                                "option1": "val1",
                                "option2": "val2"

Web Hooks

As of right now, the only misc option type is webhook which indicates a web hook. The app data item represents what type of application the web hook is for (the default value is discord).

Please look at the following data items:

  • app => The web hook's application (either discord or slack).
  • url => The web hook's URL (REQUIRED).
  • contents => The contents of the web hook.
  • username => The username the web hook sends as (only Discord).
  • avatarurl => The avatar URL used with the web hook (only Discord).
  • mentions => An array including a roles item as a boolean allowing custom role mentions and users item as a boolean allowing custom user mentions.

Note - Please copy the full web hook URL including https://....

Variable Replacements For Contents

The following strings are replaced inside of the contents string before the web hook submission.

  • {IP} => The server's IP.
  • {PORT} => The server's port.
  • {NAME} => The server's name.
  • {UID} => The server's UID from the config file/Pterodactyl API.
  • {AVG} => The server's average latency.
  • {MAX} => The server's max latency.
  • {MIN} => The server's min latency.
  • {THRESHOLD} => The packet's configured threshold.
  • {COUNT} => The packet's configured count.
  • {INTERVAL} => The packet's configured interval.
  • {TIMEOUT} => The packet's configured timeout.
  • {MAXDETECTS} => The packet's configured max detects.
  • {COOLDOWN} => The packet's configured cooldown.
  • {LASTSTATS} => An array of the the latency stats.
  • {MENTIONS} => If there are mentions, it will print them in <id>, ... format in this replacement.


Here are the Discord web hook's default values.

  • contents => ...
  • username => Pteropckt
  • avatarurl => empty (default)

Configuration Example

You may find config examples in the tests/ directory.


You may use git and go build to build this project and produce a binary. I'd suggest cloning this to $GOPATH so there aren't problems with linking modules. For example:

cd <Path To One $GOPATH>
git clone
cd Pterodactyl-PacketWatch
go build -o pteropckt
