
Exploring George Hotz's minikeyvalue design in Python

MIT License



Exploring George Hotz's minikeyvalue design in Python. Overall, I think George's implementation (and language choice) is better. Sure, my Python version can match his when it comes to performance and throughput but it takes an extra reverse proxy layer (more NGINX) to get there. Go really is a powerhouse when it comes to high-performance network-based applications and it shows.


Volume "servers" store all of the actual data. The data is evenly distributed into a predictable nested directory structure based on the base64'd hash of its contents. Could be text, a file, doesn't really matter. It's all bytes. This part of the program is just an NGINX subprocess. The config is generated as needed, thrown into a tempfile, and started as a child process. NGINX then starts up its own worker child processes.

The index server manages a mapping of where stuff lives on the volume servers. A DBM database is used to store this mapping in a fast, persistent way. The index server also exposes the primary API. GET gets data, PUT stores data, DELETE deletes data. Pretty simple! The index server talks with the volume servers in a similar manner.

System Dependencies

Besides Python, this project also depends on having NGINX installed.

# linux, debian-based
sudo apt install nginx

# macos
brew install nginx

Python Dependencies

If you are unfamiliar with virtual environments, I suggest taking a brief moment to learn about them and set one up. The Python docs provide a great tutorial for getting started with virtual environments and packages.

Install the project's Python dependencies via:

pip install -r requirements.txt


First start one or more volume servers (these could run on different systems):

# ignore the nginx "could not open error log" warnings
python3 3001 /tmp/volume1/ &
python3 3002 /tmp/volume2/ &
python3 3003 /tmp/volume3/ &

Then start the index server using the addresses of the volume servers:

python3 localhost:3001 localhost:3002 localhost:3003


With the index server running on port 3000, the following commands demonstrate core functionality:

# put "bigswag" in key "wehave"
curl -v -L -X PUT -d bigswag http://localhost:3000/wehave

# get key "wehave" (should be "bigswag")
curl -v -L -X GET http://localhost:3000/wehave

# delete key "wehave"
curl -v -L -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/wehave

# put file in key "file.txt"
curl -v -L -X PUT -T /path/to/local/file.txt http://localhost:3000/file.txt

# get file in key "file.txt"
curl -v -L -X GET -o /path/to/local/file.txt http://localhost:3000/file.txt


All of these benchmarks were executed against a small cluster (1 index, 3 volumes) of Digital Ocean droplets (1vCPU, 512MB, $5/month).

Benchmark Command
fetch missing hey -c 100 -z 10s http://<index_server_ip>:3000/missing
fetch present hey -c 100 -z 10s http://<index_server_ip>:3000/present
thrasher.go go run extras/thrasher.go -addr <index_server_ip>:3000

Each of these results are the average of three trials and are measured in requests per second.

Benchmark pymkv minikeyvalue
fetch missing 1397 2152
fetch present 1012 941
thrasher.go 99 102