
Self-hosted voice clone and inference service


reconn - Self-hosted voice clone and inference service

reconn is a voice clone service based on Bark TTS that leverages generative AI.

In addition, it uses a PostgreSQL database to model chat-bot like interaction with cloned voice models, and distributes the intensive CUDA workload across GPUs using an Azure service bus.

The program is only a short, incomplete programming exercise, notably missing the integration with a chat bot service such as Microsoft bot framework and Twilio.

Components overview

  • A web server for the main app (aka "debug web app") running on CPU.
    • Start main.go with -debug=true -gpuworker=false
    • Start ng serve for interactive angular development, or make all to
      package both the angular app and go web server into a container image.
    • The debug web app is a single page app and should be fairly self
  • A voice clone and model inference server (aka "voicesvc") running on GPU.
    • This requires a CUDA capable GPU and has only been tested on Windows.
    • See voicesvc/ and voicesvc/Pipfile for dependency
      installation instructions.
  • A GPU worker server that picks up GPU tasks and forwards them to "voicesvc".
    • This is a companion to "voicesvc" and typically started on the same
      GPU-equipped host, though the worker logic runs on CPU.
    • Start main.go with -debug=true -gpuworker=true.

Development tips

Database server

Connect to the database using: psql -h -U useruser -d postgres.

List and create database:

postgres=> create database reconn;
postgres=> \l
                                                             List of databases
       Name        |     Owner      | Encoding |  Collate   |   Ctype    | ICU Locale | Locale Provider |         Access privileges
 azure_maintenance | azuresu        | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            | libc            |
 azure_sys         | azuresu        | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            | libc            |
 postgres          | azure_pg_admin | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            | libc            |
 reconn            | reconnadmin    | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |            | libc            |

Use \i to load schema file and execute the DDL.

Web server

Start the backend server

Install go, then build and run the executable

# CWD: reconn repository root
go build
./reconn -port=8080

To run tests: go test -v ./...

Start the frontend app with automated live reload

Install a couple of prerequisites:

# CWD: does not matter
# Install angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli

# Install chrome browser for test support
sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

And then:

# CWD: reconn repository root
cd reconn-webapp
npm install # install angular dependencies
ng serve

Angular's auto-reloading web server will automatically proxy backend requests /api/* to localhost:8080.

To run tests: ng test --browsers ChromeHeadless

Build container image

The Makefile builds the backend (incl. web server) binary and frontend web app assets, then copies both into a container image:

# CWD: reconn repository root

Note that the web app assets uses ng build --base-href /resource/ to match the expectation of the backend web server.

Voice server

Start the voice server

Install pipenv (pip install pipenv), then enter pipenv shell, and follow the instructions in reconn/voicesvc/Pipfile to install the dependencies.

To start on CUDA-capable Windows host:

PS C:\Users\guoho\Downloads\reconn\voicesvc> pipenv shell
Launching subshell in virtual environment...

PS C:\Users\guoho\Downloads\reconn\voicesvc> python
2023-09-30 18:18:33 | INFO | root | about to start voice web service on
2023-09-30 18:18:33 | INFO | root | using cuda for AI computing
2023-09-30 18:18:33 | INFO | root | using C:\tmp\voice_static_resource_dir for static resources
2023-09-30 18:18:33 | INFO | root | using C:\tmp\voice_sample_dir for voice sample storage
2023-09-30 18:18:33 | INFO | root | using C:\tmp\voice_model_dir for voice model storage
2023-09-30 18:18:33 | INFO | root | using C:\tmp\voice_temp_model_dir for temporary voice model storage
2023-09-30 18:18:33 | INFO | root | using C:\tmp\voice_output_dir for TTS output storage`
2023-09-30 18:31:32 | INFO | root | initialising flask url handlers
2023-09-30 18:31:32 | INFO | root | starting waitress wsgi web server on

To run tests, stay in pipenv shell and run:

(voicesvc) ⋊> /m/c/U/g/D/r/voicesvc on main ⨯ python -m pytest
--------------------------------------------------------------------- live log setup ---------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO initialising flask url handlers
INFO initialising prerequisites
INFO using cpu for AI computing


Copyright (C) 2023 Houzuo Guo All rights reserved.

This program is free software subject to the terms of GNU Public License, v 3.0. You may find the license text in the LICENSE file.