
JSON query library, based on Rego


This is a Go package for querying arbitrary JSON documents using a query string. Actually, it's just a wrapper over Rego (the Open Policy Agent engine) which does all the work. Nevertheless, this package tries to make Rego more accessible for general purpose JSON querying.


import ""
myjson := "{...}"
res, err = regogo.Get(myjson, "myquery")
if err != nil {


Consider the input JSON document:

	"hello": "world",
	"items" : [
		{"val": 1},
		{"val": 2},
		{"val": [1,2,3]}
	"foo": {
		"bar": "baz",
		"bool": true

The following queries will produce the following results:

query result
input.hello "world"
input.items[0].val 1
count(input.items) 3
[ v | walk(input, [_, v]); is_number(v) ] [1, 2, 1, 2, 3]

You can find more examples in the tests for the Get function: regogo_test.go

All of this is standard Rego, but for most basic queries you can even guess your way into a working query without learning Rego.

API Documentation


The query is any valid Rego query, the JSON document you are querying will be represented in the query by the variable input.

Rego can return complex output containing multiple results, and regogo aspires to simplify that. Therefore the return value for Get is built by picking the value of the last expression in each result in the result set. If there are multiple values to return, the return value is an array. This convention allows for multi part queries, while maintaining a simple API. You don't need to worry about any of this if your queries are simple one liners, like input.array[i].sub.

For a tutorial on Rego, see here. For a complete reference of Rego, see here.


The returned object is a regogo.Result type that just encapsulates the returned value and provides convenience methods to use it, such as getting the value as string, number, bool, array, etc.

Prepare and Eval Separation

Sometimes you might want to run the same query over different inputs. In this case it is wasteful to construct the internal structures for every input because they are identical (same query). In this case you can prepare the query once, using regogo.New(), keep the resulting object and use it to evaluate many different inputs using Regogo.Get().


As expected, regogo performs a lot worse than dedicated and optimized json querying libraries. When benchmarked against comparable libraries, gjson was the fastest, gabs was x20 slower than gjson and regogo was x100 slower than gabs. There's probably some optimization to be done on regogo's side, but I don't expect it to ever come close to a dedicated json query library. regogo is best suited for scenarios that are not performance sensitive, or that the benefit from the expressive query language outweighs the performance price.


I think working with JSON in Go is a pain, and none of the available libraries did it right (closest was gjson). After using OPA for another project, I noticed the similarity between rego and other JSON libraries. The messaging was completely different but the technology was similar. I tries to use rego instead of gjson and it was OK, but there was too much Rego boilerplate to get a simple value from a document, so I created this wrapper to simplify that. By making some assumptions and conventions we can create a simple interface to query JSON documents using Rego.

Is this for real?

Good question, I'm unsure myself. On one hand it's too simple to feel like a "library", but on the other, it is useful. I guess we'll know based on your feedback (or lack of). In any case, please don't be wrongfully impressed by the fact that I put up this fancy readme, consider it more like an accompanying blog post.