
A very flexible random password generator based on a regexp-like pattern, written in Golang

LGPL-3.0 License



This program generates fully customizable random passwords, with almost any desired pattern or length, using the same syntax as Regular Expressions for character classes (POSIX-style), repetition ({N} or {M,N}) and capturing groups ((...)).

See examples for clarity.

Build and install


go get

This will compile and then copy repassgen executable file to $GOPATH/bin/ directory.

If you just want to compile without installing it

go get -d
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build

Then repassgen binary file will be created in current directory.

Features of regexp

  • [x] Simple repetition: {N}
  • [x] Range repetition: {M,N}
  • [x] Manual character range, like [a-z1-579]
  • [x] Repeatable groups with (...){N}, like ([a-z]{2}[1-9]){3}
  • [x] [:alnum:] Alphanumeric characters
  • [x] [:alpha:] Alphabetic characters
  • [x] [:word:], [:w:] or \w: Word characters (letters, numbers and underscores, same as [a-zA-Z0-9_])
  • [x] [:upper:] Uppercase letters
  • [x] [:lower:] Lowercase letters
  • [x] [:graph:] Visible characters
  • [x] [:print:] Visible characters and spaces (anything except control characters)
  • [x] [:digit:] or \d Digits
  • [x] [:xdigit:] Hexadecimal digits
  • [x] [:punct:] Punctuation (and symbols).
  • [x] [:space:] All whitespace characters, including line breaks
  • [x] [:blank:] Space and tab
  • [x] [:cntrl:] Control characters
  • [x] [:ascii:] ASCII characters
  • [x] Unicode code points, like [\u00e0-\u00ef]{5}
  • [x] Group references \1, \2, etc

Aditional Features (not part of regexp)

  • [x] Combined multiple named/manual character classes, for example:
    • [:digit:a-m]
    • [:digit::alpha:] = [:alnum:]
  • [x] [:b32:] Crockford's Base32 alphabet (lowercase)
  • [x] [:B32:] Crockford's Base32 alphabet (uppercase)
  • [x] [:B32STD:] Standard Base32 alphabet (uppercase)
  • [x] [:b64:] Standard Base64 alphabet
  • [x] [:b64url:] URL-safe Base64 alphabet
  • [x] $base64(...) Base64 encode function (input is hex-encoded)
  • [x] $base64url(...) URL-safe Base64 encode function (input is hex-encoded)
  • [x] $base32(...) Crockford's Base32 encode function (lowercase) (input is hex-encoded)
  • [x] $BASE32(...) Crockford's Base32 encode function (uppercase) (input is hex-encoded)
  • [x] $base32std(...) Standard Base32 encode function (uppercase, with no padding) (input is hex-encoded)
  • [x] $hex(...) Hex encode function (lowercase)
  • [x] $HEX(...) Hex encode function (uppercase)
  • [x] Show entropy of pattern
    • Use repassgen -entropy 'PATTERN' command
    • Indicates strength of generated passwords, the higher the better
    • We recommand at least 47 bits (equal to 8 alphanumeric: [:alnum:]{8})
    • Entropy of pattern is more important than entropy of password, if you re-use patterns
  • [x] $hex2dec(...) Convert hexadecimal number to decimal number
  • [x] $escape(...) Escape unicode characters, non-printable characters and double quote
  • [x] $?(...) Randomly include or omit the string/pattern (%50 chance, adds 1 bit to entropy)
  • [x] $bip39word(N) Generate N words from BIP-39 English mnemonic words
  • [x] $bip39encode(...) Encode hex-encoded bytes into some BIP-39 English mnemonic words
  • [x] $date(2000,2020,-) Generate a random date in the given year range
  • [x] $space(...) Adds spaces between each two characters of string (generated from given pattern)
  • [x] $expand(|...) Adds | (for example) between each two characters (similar to $space)
  • [x] $rjust(PATTERN,N,X) Justify to right, N is width (N>=1), X is the character to fill
  • [x] $ljust(PATTERN,N,X) Justify to left, similar to $rjust
  • [x] $center(PATTERN,N,X) Justify to center, similar to $rjust
  • [x] $pyhex(...) Convert hex-encoded bytes to Python bytes with hex values (like b'\x74\x65\x73\x74')
  • [x] $romaji(...) Converts Japanese hiragana/katakana string to Latin


  • Alphanumeric password with length 12

    $ repassgen '[:alnum:]{12}'
  • Alphabetic password with length 12

    $ repassgen '[:alpha:]{12}'
  • Lowercase alphabetic password with length 16

    $ repassgen '[:lower:]{16}'
  • Uppercase alphabetic password with length 16

    $ repassgen '[:upper:]{16}'
  • Numeric password with length 8

    $ repassgen '[:digit:]{8}'
  • A custom combination: 7 uppercase, space, 7 lowercase, space, 2 digits

    $ repassgen '[:upper:]{7} [:lower:]{7} [:digit:]{2}'
    UOHMGVM toubgvs 73
  • Password with length 12, using only Base64 characters

    $ repassgen '[:b64:]{12}'
  • Password with length 12, using only URL-safe Base64 characters

    $ repassgen '[:b64url:]{12}'
  • Password with length 16, using only Crockford's Base32 characters (lowercase)

    $ repassgen '[:b32:]{16}'
  • Password with length 16, using only Crockford's Base32 characters (uppercase)

    $ repassgen '[:B32:]{16}'
  • Password with length 16, using Crockford's Base32 characters and punctuations

    $ repassgen '[:b32::punct:]{16}'
  • Specify character range manually: lowercase alphebetic with length 16

    $ repassgen '[a-z]{16}'
  • Specify character range manually: alphanumeric with length 12

    $ repassgen '[a-zA-Z0-9]{12}'
  • Include non-random characters in the password (here: Test / , .)

    $ repassgen 'Test-[:alpha:]{4}/[:alpha:]{4},[:alpha:]{4}.[:alpha:]{4}'
  • A 16-digit number similar to a credit card number

    repassgen '[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{4}'
  • Alphabetic password with a length between 12 and 16 characters

    $ repassgen '[:alpha:]{12,16}'
  • Gerenate random bytes, then run Base64 encode function

    $ repassgen '$base64($byte(){12})'
  • Gerenate random bytes, then run Crockford's Base32 encode function

    $ repassgen '$base32($byte(){12})'
  • Use - or [ or ] inside [...]

    $ repassgen '[.\- ]{50}'
    - .-.-- --.------- --.. -.---.-.. -- --..-..  .---
    $ repassgen '[a-z\[\]\-]{20}'
  • Use whitespace characters like newline or tab (inside or outside [...])

    $ repassgen '[a-z\t]{5}\t[a-z\t]{5}\n[a-z\t]{10}'
    caelk	zccqm
    zpbgjba	pm
  • Generate 12 random mnemonic words from BIP-39 English words

    $ repassgen '$bip39word(12)'
    cinnamon purity funny pigeon arrive equal foil alter life accident bar roast
  • Generate 16 random bytes, then encode it to BIP-39 English mnemonic words

    $ repassgen '$bip39encode($byte(){16})'
    useful come fall plunge breeze side skill another boil expose essence about
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