
A tiny HTTP server that can serve files out of any rclone remote.


rhttpserve Build Status

A tiny HTTP server that can serve files out of any rclone remote. Includes a command line utility to generate time expiring Ed25519-based signed URLs (similar to a signed S3 URL) that will be verified by the server before it agrees to send a file.

This has the effect of allowing files to be shared simply (and temporarily) without having to walk through provider-specific web-based sharing prompts and the like.


$ go install


Generate a public/private key pair:

$ rhttpserve generate

This will produce RHTTPSERVE_PUBLIC_KEY and RHTTPSERVE_PRIVATE_KEY, which you will need to set up the server and client respectively.


The server needs to be configured with a public key so that it can verify requests signed by client private keys:


Any rclone remotes you plan on serving files from should also be configured in the environment:

$ export RCLONE_CONFIG_MYREMOTE_TYPE="amazon cloud drive"

The remote above is called MYREMOTE and can be reference below with myremote:. Naming conventions follow rclone's normal standard for environment variables.

The easiest way to get values for these variables is to run rclone config and then copy the results that were placed in ~/.rclone.conf.

The server can then be started with:

$ rhttpserve serve

It defaults to listening on port 8090, but tries to read a value out of PORT if one is configured.


The client needs a private key and the host that the server is listening on:

$ export RHTTPSERVE_HOST=localhost:8090

We use a local host value, but it could just as easily be something like serve.example.com, just as long as rhttpserve is listening on that server.

Because you'll likely be running the client locally, it might be useful to store these values in your .zshrc or equivalent.


With both server and client set up, it's now possible to have rhttpserve generate a URL for a file in your remote:

$ rhttpserve sign myremote:papers/raft.pdf

After generating a signature, the client performs a HEAD request to the server to make sure that the object exists. This check can be skipped with the --skip-check option.

Alternatively, change the output to be a cURL command:

$ rhttpserve sign --curl myremote:papers/raft.pdf
curl -o 'raft.pdf' 'https://serve.example.com/myremote/papers/raft.pdf?expires_at=1484239058&signature=x7u1d6D3TXyieXEQ88wTcrheQWm6NI9wBGFbJbqjliq6YiRO38OSeB777xFUZ46tNlnnTCaYpoxNWRYNVIl1BA=='

Compose with xargs to sign all files in a directory:

$ rclone ls -q myremote:papers/ | awk '{$1=""; out=$0; gsub(/^ /, "myremote:papers/", out); print "\"" out "\""}' | xargs rhttpserve sign --curl --skip-check


Run Tests

$ go test $(go list ./... | egrep -v '/vendor/')

Vendoring Dependencies

Dependencies are managed with govendor. New ones can be vendored using these commands:

$ go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor
$ govendor add +external