
Webhook proxy to turn RingCentral webhooks into permanent webhooks for use with services like Zapier Instant Triggers.

MIT License


RingCentral Permahooks

This is a small app that turns RingCentral's expiring outbound webhooks into non-expiring webhooks. This is especially useful when connecting to a service with a simple inbound webhook implementation such as Zapier and chat solutions like Glip. Benefits include:

  • Seamlessly links RingCentral Outbound Webhooks with Inbound Webhooks offered by Zapier, Glip and others.

This is useful because RingCentral's webhook implementation has a couple of features that are not supported by all webhook consuming services. Both of the below are handled automatically by this service.

  • RingCentral requires the webhook endpoint return the request Validation-Token header in the response to indicate the receiving endpoint is the correct one.
  • RingCentral webhooks expire to ensure the correct site is receiving the information.

Deployment options:

See more information about creating RingCentral webhooks here:


You must have created an app on the RingCentral Developer Platform by logging into the Developer Portal:


The app must have the following settings:

  • Application Type: Private
  • Platform Type: Server-only (No UI)
  • OAuth Grant Types: Refresh Access Token, Password flow
  • Permissions: Read Messages, Webhook Subscriptions

In the Developer Portal, your app will look like this.

Installation and Configuration

Before you can complete the following installation procedure, you need to get a webhook URL from your downstream service. For example, a Zapier webhook URL.

$ go get github.com/grokify/ringcentral-permahooks
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/grokify/ringcentral-permahooks
$ cp sample.env .env
$ vi .env
$ go run main.go

After you start the service, create a webhook by calling the /createhook endpoint. You can also call the /renewhook endpoint to manually renew the webhook. For example:

# Create Webhook
$ curl -XGET 'https://12345678.ngrok.io/createhook'

# Renew Webhook
$ curl -XGET 'https://12345678.ngrok.io/renewhook'

Successfully calling /createhook will result in log entries like the following:

$ go run main.go 
INFO[0023] Creating Hook...                             
INFO[0024] {"eventFilters":["/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/message-store/instant?type=SMS","/restapi/v1.0/subscription/~?threshold=86400\u0026interval=3600"],"deliveryMode":{"transportType":"WebHook","address":"https://12345678.ngrok.io/webhook"},"expiresIn":604800} 
INFO[0025] Handling webhook...                          
INFO[0025] Validation-Token: 11112222-3333-4444-5555-666677778888 
INFO[0025] Created/renewed Webhook with Id: 11112222-3333-4444-5555-666677778888


If your server is behind a NAT or a firewall and not accessible via the Internet, you can use a tunneling service such as ngrok. In the following example, you would create a RingCentral webhook to https://12345678.ngrok.io/webhook which you would set as PERMAHOOKS_INBOUND_WEBHOOK_URL in your environment.

$ ngrok http 8080

ngrok by @inconshreveable                                                                             (Ctrl+C to quit)
Tunnel Status                 online                                         
Update                        update available (version 2.2.8, Ctrl-U to update)
Version                       2.0.25/prod                              
Region                        United States (us)                            
Web Interface                                   
Forwarding                    http://12345678.ngrok.io -> localhost:8080       
Forwarding                    https://12345678.ngrok.io -> localhost:8080

Connections                   ttl     opn     rt1     rt5     p50     p90
                              83      0       0.00    0.00    18.68   301.08

To Do

Docker Hub

Docker repo: https://hub.docker.com/r/grokify/ringcentral-permahooks

  1. Build: % docker build -t grokify/ringcentral-permahooks:v0.2.3 .
  2. Login: % docker login -u [username] -p [password]
  3. Push: % docker push grokify/ringcentral-permahooks:v0.2.3

Heroku Support

Heroku support is under investigation. For Heroku, dependences are managed with godep. The following is used:

$ go get -u github.com/tools/godep
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/grokify/ringcentral-permahooks
$ godep save ./...

More information is avialable here:



If you have questions or support, please use the following resources:

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Top 8.32% on Proxy.golang.org
Extracted from project README
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