
Cookie-Based Web Sessions in Go

MIT License


A Go Package for Cookie-Based Web Sessions

This Go package attempts to free you from the hard work of implementing safe cookie-based web sessions.

Sessions implements a number of OWASP recommendations:

  • No data storage on the client
  • Automatic session expiry
  • Session ID regeneration
  • Anomaly detection via IP address and user agent analysis

Additional features:

  • Session key/value storage
  • Log in/out functions for users
  • Various identifier generation functions
  • Password strength checks (based on NIST recommendations)
  • Lots of configuration options
  • Database-agnostic, choose your own backend
  • It's not a framework, everything is based on net/http.
  • Extensive documentation

If you want to go one step further and have user signup, login, logout, password reset, email/password change implemented for you, check out


go get

Simple Example

func MyHandler(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
  session, err := sessions.Start(response, request, false)
  if err != nil {
  if session != nil {
    fmt.Println("We have a session")
  } else {
    fmt.Println("We have no session")

(Providing true will always return a session.)

With the session object, you can call:

  • RegenerateID to switch the session ID,
  • Set, Get, GetAndDelete, and Delete to (un-)assign values to keys,
  • LogIn and LogOut to attach/detach users,
  • GobEncode, GobDecode, MarshalJSON, and UnmarshalJSON to (un-)serialize sessions,
  • Destroy to end a session.

Configuration Options

  • SessionCookie: Name of the session cookie.
  • NewSessionCookie: Function for new cookies (used to set cookie parameters).
  • SessionExpiry: Time to expiry for inactive sessions.
  • SessionIDExpiry: Maximum session ID lifetime before automatic regeneration.
  • SessionIDGracePeriod: Extended lifetime for regenerated session IDs.
  • AcceptRemoteIP: Accepted level of change for IP addresses.
  • AcceptChangingUserAgent: Whether or not user agent changes are accepted.
  • MaxSessionCacheSize: Size of local (write-through) session cache.
  • SessionCacheExpiry: Maximum session lifetime in local cache.

Then there is Persistence used to connect to the session store of your choice (defaults to RAM).


See for the documentation.

See also the Wiki for more examples and explanations.

Your Feedback

Add your issue here on GitHub. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

Release Notes

  • v0.1 (2017-11-11)
    • First release.