
Disk space calculator for Samba


Disk space calculator for Samba

Samba daemon does not report correct disk space if the exported path consists from several disks.

For example, it assumes /home is exported on Samba and consists from 3 disks as follows. Samba daemon should report free space of 210GB but actually reports 10GB.

Mount point Disk Free space
/ /dev/sda 10GB
/home/fiz /dev/sdb 100GB
/home/buz /dev/sdc 100GB

samba-dfree is an executable binary and called by samba daemon. It shows disk space calculated from all directories in the exported path.

How to configure

Install samba-dfree into /etc/samba.

Configure samba.

# smb.conf
dfree command = /etc/samba/samba-dfree
dfree cache time = 60

Restart samba service.


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