
various libs or tools for Golang

MIT License



various libs or tools for Golang


  • expexp holds experimental packages and defines various
    functions useful with generics of any type.
  • slog - slog
    provides GlogHandler,
    NewRotateHandler and
    MultiHandler handlers
    for slog
  • webhdfs - Hadoop WebHDFS REST API client library for Golang with fs
    module like (asynchronous) interface.
  • Thread — Thread should be used for such as
    calling OS services or non-Go library functions that depend on per-thread state, as runtime.LockOSThread().
  • BurstLimiter — BurstLimiter behaves
    like Limiter in time, BurstLimiter controls how frequently events are allowed to happen.
    • It implements a "token bucket" of size b, initially full、empty or any size, and refilled by PutToken
      or PutTokenN. The difference is
      that time/rate.Limiterinitially full and refilled at rate r tokens per second.
    • It implements a Reorder Buffer allocated by Reserve
      or ReserveN into account when allowing future events and Wait or WaitN blocks until lim permits n events to
  • generator — Generator behaves
    like Generator in python or ES6, with yield and next statements.
  • signal — Signal enhances signal.Notify with the
    stacktrace of cgo.
  • sql — Enhance go std sql.
    • NullDuration
      • NullDuration represents an interface that may be null. NullDuration implements the Scanner interface so it can be used as a scan destination, similar to sql.NullString.
    • NullJson
      • NullJson represents an interface that may be null. NullJson implements the Scanner interface so it can be used as a scan destination, similar to sql.NullString. Deprecate, use go-nulljson instead. For more information, see: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/searKing/golang/tools/go-nulljson
  • ternary_search_tree
    — A type of trie (sometimes called a prefix tree) where nodes are arranged in a manner similar to a binary search
    tree, but with up to three children rather than the binary tree's limit of two.
  • mux — Mux is a generic Go library to multiplex
    connections based on their payload. Using mux, you can serve gRPC, SSH, HTTPS, HTTP, Go RPC, and pretty much any other
    protocol on the same TCP listener.
  • SniffReader — A Reader that allows sniff
    and read from the provided input reader. data is buffered if Sniff(true) is called. buffered data is taken first, if
    Sniff(false) is called.
  • multiple_prefix - Prefixes for
    decimal and binary multiples, Prefixes for decimal multiples
    , Prefixes for binary multiples.
  • flag — Enhance go std flag, such as StringSlice that
    is a flag.Value that accumulates strings, e.g. --flag=one --flag=two would produce []string{"one", "two"}.
  • goroutine — goroutine is a collection of
    apis about goroutine.
    • ID() — returns goroutine id of the goroutine that calls it.
    • Lock — represents a goroutine ID, with goroutine ID checked, that is whether GoRoutines of lock newer and check
      caller differ.
  • hashring — hashring provides a
    consistent hashing function, read more about consistent hashing on
    wikipedia: Consistent_hashing.
  • RotateFile — RotateFile derived from os.File, and is
    designed to ease administration of systems that generate large numbers of files. It allows automatic rotation,
    removal, and handler of files. Each file may be handled daily, weekly, monthly, strftimely, time_layoutly or when it
    grows too large.
    • NewFactoryFromFile
      NewFactoryFromFile is an example of os.RotateFile register for logrus.
  • CacheFile - CacheFile is a package cache(Eventual
    consistency, behaves like sync.LRU[string, *os.File]), backed by a file system directory tree. It is safe for multiple
    processes on a single machine to use the
    same cache directory in a local file system simultaneously. They will coordinate using operating system file locks and
    may duplicate effort but will not corrupt the cache. It's usually used to support download cache, download if cache
    file not hit.
  • UnlinkOldestFiles - UnlinkOldestFiles
    unlink old files if DiskQuota exceeds. It's usually
    used for disk clean.


  • go generate is only useful if you have tools to use it with! Here is an incomplete list of useful tools that generate code.

  • go-syncmap — Generates Go code using a package as a generic template for sync.Map.

  • go-syncpool — Generates Go code using a package as a generic template for sync.Pool.

  • go-atomicvalue — Generates Go code using a package as a generic template for atomic.Value.

  • go-option — Generates Go code using a package as a graceful option.

  • go-nulljson — Generates Go code using a package as a generic template that implements sql.Scanner and sql.Valuer.

  • go-enum — Generates Go code using a package as a generic template, which implements interface fmt.Stringer | binary | json | text | sql | yaml for enums.

  • go-import — Performs auto import of non go files.

  • go-sqlx — Generates Go code using a package as a generic template that implements sqlx.