
secrets kept safe

APACHE-2.0 License


Safe Secrets - safe(r) and easy way to transfer passwords

The primary use-case is sharing sensitive data by making the information self-destructed, accessible only once and protected by easy-to-share PIN code. I just needed a simple and better alternative to the most popular way of passing passwords, which is why this project was created. Doing this by email always made me concerned about the usual "security" of sending user and password info in two different emails - which is just a joke.


It runs on for real. Feel free to use it if you are crazy enough to trust me, or just run your own from prepared docker image. And of course, you can build from sources as well.

Create a safesecret link to your message by entering 3 things:

  • Content of your secret message
  • Expiration time of your secret message
  • Secret PIN

This will give you a link which you can send by email, chat or share by using any other means. As soon as your recipient opens the link they will be asked for the secret PIN and see your secret message. The PIN is (typically) numeric and easy to pass by a voice call or text message. Each link can be opened only once and the number of attempts to enter a wrong PIN is limited to 3 times by default.

How safe is this thing

  • It doesn't keep your original message or PIN anywhere, but encrypts your message with PIN (hashed as well)
  • It doesn't keep any sensitive info in any logs
  • It doesn't keep anything on a disk in any form (in case of default engine)
  • As soon as a message is read or expired it will be deleted and destroyed permanently
  • In order to steal your message, bad guys would need access to your link as well as PIN code

Feel free to suggest any other ways to make the process safer.


  1. Download docker-compose.yml and secrets-nginx.conf
  2. Adjust your local docker-compose.yml with:
    • TZ - your local time zone
    • SIGN_KEY - something long and random
    • MAX_EXPIRE - maximum lifetime period, default 24h
    • PIN_SIZE - size (in characters) of the pin, default 5
    • PIN_ATTEMPTS - maximum number of failed attempts to enter pin, default 3
    • PROTOCOL - http or https
  3. Setup SSL:
    • The system can make valid certificates for you automatically with integrated nginx-le. Just set:
    • In case you have your own certificates, copy them to etc/ssl and set:
      • SSL_CERT - SSL certificate (file name, not path)
      • SSL_KEY - SSL key (file name, not path)
  4. Run the system with docker-compose up -d. This will download a prepared image from docker hub and start all components.
  5. if you want to build it from sources - docker-compose build will do it, and then docker-compose up -d.

See docker-compose.yml for more details

Technical details

Safesecret usually deployed via docker-compose and has two containers in:

  • application secrets container providing both backend (API) and frontend (UI)
  • nginx-le container with nginx proxy and let's encrypt SSL support

Application container is fully functional without nginx proxy and can be used in stand-alone mode. You may want such setup in case you run safesecret behind different proxy, i.e. haproxy, AWS ELB/ALB and so on.


  • Raycast Extension - quickly share any text with Safesecret from Raycast
  • Shortcut - a shortcut for Shortcuts app on Apple platforms. Adds integration with Safesecret to Share menu on iOS and to Share menu and Services menu on macOS


Safesecret provides trivial REST to save and load messages.

Save message

POST /api/v1/message, body - {"message":"some top secret info", "exp": 120, "pin": "12345"}

  • exp expire in N seconds
  • pin fixed-size pin code
        $ http POST pin=12345 message=testtest-12345678 exp:=1000
        HTTP/1.1 201 Created
            "exp": "2016-06-25T13:33:45.11847278-05:00",
            "key": "f1acfe04-277f-4016-518d-16c312ab84b5"

Load message

GET /api/v1/message/:key/:pin

    $ http GET

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        "key": "6ceab760-3059-4a52-5670-649509b128fc",
        "message": "testtest-12345678"


GET /api/v1/ping

$ http

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Get params

GET /api/v1/params

$ http

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "max_exp_sec": 86400,
    "max_pin_attempts": 3,
    "pin_size": 5