
Unofficial Fiber Handler for Sentry SDK

MIT License


Fiber Handler for Sentry SDK

Welcome to another "I can't find one, so I made one" episode of mine.


$ go get
import ""


import (

    sentryfiber ""

func main() {
  // Note that you'll need to have sentry-go in there.
  err := sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{
    Dsn: "your-public-dsn",
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatalln("sentry initialization failed")

  app := fiber.New()

  app.Get("/", func (c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    return c.Send(fiber.StatusOK).Send([]byte("Hi there"))


Sentry Hub

sentryfiber attaches an instance of *sentry.Hub ( to the Request's Local context (c.Locals()), which makes it available throughout the rest of the request's lifetime. You can access it by using the sentryfiber.GetHubFromContext() method on the context itself in any of your proceeding middleware and routes. And it should be used instead of the global sentry.CaptureMessage, sentry.CaptureException, or any other calls, as it keeps the separation of data between the requests.

Keep in mind that *sentry.Hub won't be available in middleware attached before to sentryfiber!

app := fiber.New()

    Repanic: true,

app.Use(func() fiber.Handler {
  return func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    if hub := sentryfiber.GetHubFromContext(ctx); hub != nil {
        hub.Scope().SetTag("someRandomTag", "maybeYouNeedIt")
    return c.Next()

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    if hub := sentryfiber.GetHubFromContext(ctx); hub != nil {
        hub.WithScope(func(scope *sentry.Scope) {
            scope.SetExtra("unwantedQuery", "someQueryDataMaybe")
            hub.CaptureMessage("User provided unwanted query string, but we recovered just fine")
    return c.Status(fiber.StatusOK)

app.Get("/foo", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    // sentryfiber handler will catch it just fine. Also, because we attached "someRandomTag"
    // in the middleware before, it will be sent through as well
    panic("y tho")
    return nil



This is the configuration available for sentryfiber.Options{} struct.

// Whether Sentry should repanic after recovery, in most cases it should be set to true,
// as gin.Default includes its own Recovery middleware that handles http responses.
Repanic         bool
// Whether you want to block the request before moving forward with the response.
// Because Gin's default `Recovery` handler doesn't restart the application,
// it's safe to either skip this option or set it to `false`.
WaitForDelivery bool
// Timeout for the event delivery requests.
Timeout         time.Duration


Yes please! I'm still new to Go and I create this module (or package if you will) to help me fulfill a need on my project. Feel free to refactor, add new feature, fix unknown bugs, and have fun!
