
A flexible go-template renderer.



A flexible go-template renderer.

docker pull
go get -u
  • Template definitions can be given as command-line arguments (-template, -t), or read from files (-template-file, -f, -template-files).
  • Variable definitions can be given as command-line arguments (-var), taken from the environment (-var-env), or read from JSON / YAML / TOML files (-var-file).

The template syntax is described at


$ render -var foo=bar -t "value of foo: {{ .foo }}"
value of foo: bar
$ echo "{{ .SHELL }} {{ .USER }}" | render -var-env ""
/bin/bash sgreben
$ echo "{{ .env.SHELL }} {{ .env.USER }}" | render -var-env env=
/bin/bash sgreben
$ render -var-env "{SHELL,USER}" -t '{{ . | toYAML }}'
SHELL: /bin/bash
USER: sgreben
$ render -var-files-slurp Files="*.toml" -t '{{ keys .Files }}'
$ echo '{ "foo": { "bar": "baz" } }' | render -var-file - -t "value of {{ }}"
value of baz
$ render -t "{{ __RENDER_ARGS | toJSON }}"
["render","-t","{{ __RENDER_ARGS | toJSON }}"]

A longer example demonstrating usage of multiple templates, saving CLI flags as a reusable config, and rendering templates to disk:

$ find . -type f

$ cat templates/pod.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: {{ .name }}
  containers: {{ template "components/containers" . }}
  volumes: {{ template "components/volumes" . }

$ cat components/containers
{{- $volumeMounts := .volumes | map "pick" "name" "mountPath" -}}
{{- .containers | map "set" "volumeMounts" $volumeMounts | toJSON -}}

$ cat components/volumes
{{ .volumes | map "omit" "mountPath" | toJSON }}

$ cat vars.yml
name: my-pod
- name: nginx
  image: nginx:latest
- name: busybox
  image: busybox
- name: data
  mountPath: /data
  emptyDir: {}
- name: config
  mountPath: /config
    name: my-configmap

# Generate a config file for render
$ render -var-file vars.yml -template-files 'components/*' -template-files 'templates/*' -set-template-excludes 'components/*' -o rendered -print-config > config.json

$ cat config.json
  "TemplateOutExclude": "components/*",
  "TemplateOutPath": "rendered",
  "TemplateLeftDelim": "{{",
  "TemplateRightDelim": "}}",
  "TemplateSources": [
      "Name": "components/*",
      "FromFileGlob": {
        "Glob": "components/*"
      "Name": "templates/*",
      "FromFileGlob": {
        "Glob": "templates/*"
  "VarsSources": [
      "FromFile": {
        "Path": "vars.yml"

# Render the templates using the config file
$ render -config config.json

$ find . -type f
./rendered/templates/pod.yml # this is new

$ cat rendered/templates/pod.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
  containers: [{"image":"nginx:latest","name":"nginx","volumeMounts":[{"mountPath":"/data","name":"data"},{"mountPath":"/config","name":"config"}]},{"image":"busybox","name":"busybox","volumeMounts":[{"mountPath":"/data","name":"data"},{"mountPath":"/config","name":"config"}]}]
  volumes: [{"emptyDir":{},"name":"data"},{"configMap":{"name":"my-configmap"},"name":"config"}]


  • Variable definitions are applied in the order in which they are given on the command line / in the config file. Later definitions of the same variable override its earlier definitions.
  • Templates are loaded and rendered in the order in which they are given on the command line / in the config file. If templates with the same name are given, later definitions override earlier definitions.
  • If no template input flags are given, render defaults to reading a template from stdin.
  • If no template output flags are given, render defaults to rendering templates to stdout.

Template functions

Additionally to the functions listed at, and the functions provided by the Sprig library (except env and expandenv), the following functions are defined:

  • toCSV

  • fromCSV

  • toJSON

  • fromJSON

  • toYAML

  • fromYAML

  • toTOML

  • fromTOML

  • map

    pipeline | map "functionName" arg0 arg1 ...

    produces the list

      functionName(pipeline[0], arg0, arg1, ...),
      functionName(pipeline[1], arg0, arg1, ...),
      functionName(pipeline[2], arg0, arg1, ...),
  • mapFlip -- same as map, except pipeline[i] is provided as the last argument to functionName, not as the first.

  • filter

    pipeline | filter "functionName" arg0 arg1 ...

    produces the list of all pipeline[i] for which functionName(pipeline[i], arg0, arg1, ...) returns true

  • filterFlip -- same as filter, except pipeline[i] is provided as the last argument to functionName, not as the first.



To obtain a list of all defined functions, run render -print-funcs.


  • Binary

    dep ensure
    make bin/render
  • Docker image

    make build


Usage of render:
  -config value
    	path to a config file
  -f value
    	(short for -template-file)
  -o string
    	(short for -set-output-dir)
    	print config to stdout and exit
    	print available functions and their types to stdout and exit
    	print rendered templates to stdout
    	print variables to stdout and exit
  -set-config-output-file string
    	path to write the configuration to
  -set-left-delim string
    	left template delimiter (default "{{")
  -set-output-dir string
    	path to write rendered templates to
  -set-right-delim string
    	right template delimiter (default "}}")
  -set-separator string
    	separator template to print between templates when printing templates to stdout
  -set-template-excludes string
    	exclude templates matching the given glob pattern from being output
  -set-vars-output-file string
    	path to write variable values to
  -t value
    	(short for -template)
  -template value
    	load a template passed as a parameter ([<template-name>=]<template>)
  -template-file value
    	load a template from a file (or stdin, if - is given) ([<template-name>=]<path>)
  -template-files value
    	load templates from a set of files matching the given pattern (<glob>)
  -var value
    	a single variable definition (<variable>=<value>)
  -var-env value
    	load variables matching the given glob pattern from the environment ([<key>=]<glob>)
  -var-file value
    	load variable values from a file (or stdin, if - is given) ([<key>=]<path>)
  -var-file-slurp value
    	set a single variable to a file's contents (or stdin, if - is given) (<variable>=<path>)
  -var-files-slurp value
    	load all files matching the given glob pattern as variables (<key>=<glob>)
    	print version and exit