
Batch Guetzli compressions in a manageable fashion


Simple Guetzli

A Guetzli compression helper

go get

or download from the latest release.

This requires : Guetzli


Guetzli is cpu intensive and waiting for builds / compiles /... is something we all like to avoid. This little tool keeps a log of compressed files and skips those that have already been done.

Now you can safely watch a folder with images and compress only that what needs to be done.

In short :

  • compresses an entire folder at once
  • executes compressions in parallel
  • tracks what has been compressed
  • determines file changes and recompresses

Useful :

  • cancel at any time, finished compressions will not need to be redone.
  • manage max threads.
  • max memory is divided by number of Guetzli instances (so 1000mb ram with 4 threads will give 250mb ram for each)
  • dontgrow flag deletes image files that got bigger because Geutzli failed to shrink them.
  • copy flag to keep your input and output dirs in sync despite Guetzli errors or files that grew.


      --help           Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  -q, --quality=95     Visual quality to aim for, expressed as a JPEG quality value. Default value is 95.
      --log="info"     Log level
  -m, --memlimit=6000  Memory limit in MB. Guetzli will fail if unable to stay under the limit. Default limit is 6000
      --nomemlimit     Do not limit memory usage.
  -f, --force          Force recompression
      --force-quality  Force recompression if quality changed
  -t, --threads=3      Max concurrent threads. Default limit is 3
  -g, --dontgrow       Delete compressed files that got bigger
  -c, --copy           Copy all files from source folder to output, without overwriting compression results
  -v, --version        Guetzli Version

  [<source>]  Source directory
  [<output>]  Output directory
  [<log>]     Log directory, the log is used to prevent duplicate compressions