
Slog handler to temporary deliver formatted verbose logs to an arbitrary target

MIT License



Slog handler (or wrapper) to temporary deliver formatted verbose logs to an arbitrary target. Useful for providing diagnostic/troubleshooting logging functionality to your Go application.

[!NOTE] This library has been extracted from AnyCable.


go get

Compatibility: go >= 1.21


import (
    slogspy ""

func main() {
    handler := slog.NewTextHandler(stderr, &slog.HandlerOptions{Level: slog.LevelInfo})

    // Create a spy handling by wrapping the default one
    spy := slogspy.NewSpy(handler)

    // Use it with your logger
    logger := slog.New(spy)

    // Start spy go routine to process logs in the background (when they're requested)
    go spyHandler.Run(myLogsConsumer)
    defer spyHandler.Shutdown(context.Background())

    // your application logic

    // whenever you want to start consuming verbose logs via the spy
    // don't forget to unwatch to disable the spy handler
    defer spy.Unwatch()

func myLogsConsumer(logs []byte) {
  // consume pre-formatted logs here

You MAY call spy.Watch() multiple times (indicating that there are multiple consumers); you MUST call spy.Unwatch() the same number of times to deactivate the spy. The logs are streamed to the callback function as long as there is at least one consumer.


By default, a spy handler uses a JSON handler to format the logs and produce the raw bytes. The output is buffered (to prevent too frequent consumer function calling). The buffer flushing is controlled by two parameters: max buffer size and flush interval.

Here is how you can adjust all of the parameters mentioned above (with the defaults specified):

spy := slogspy.NewSpy(
  slogspy.WithMaxBufSize(256 * 1024),
  slogspy.WithFlushInterval(250 * time.Millisecond),
  slogspy.WithPrinter(func(output io.Writer) slog.Handler {
    return slog.NewJSONHandler(output, &slog.HandlerOptions{Level: slog.LevelDebug})


The spy handler in the idle state has no noticeable overhead. When it's active, the overhead is ~2x lower than when turning debug logs on for the base handler. Here are the numbers:

BenchmarkSpy/active_spy                       372.5 ns/op
BenchmarkSpy/inactive_spy                     8.380 ns/op
BenchmarkSpy/no_spy                           7.681 ns/op
BenchmarkSpy/no_spy_mainLevel=debug           656.3 ns/op

The source code can be found in the main_test.go file.

IgnorePC optimization

You can improve the performance even more by disabling the caller information retrieval for log records:

//go:linkname IgnorePC log/slog/internal.IgnorePC
var IgnorePC = true

Future enhancements

  • Support watching specific key-value attribute pairs (e.g., spy.WatchAttrs("user_id", "42"))


This project is MIT licensed.