
APACHE-2.0 License



The subid-ldap tool is intended to generate /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid based on LDAP data.

The entries in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid are merged with new data so that existing entries keep their designated ID when new entries are added or old entries are removed.

The LDAP user UID is used by default for improved performance with tools using the subuid/subgid entries.

The contents of /etc/subuid are copied to /etc/subgid when changes are made.


Install from archive

wget -O /tmp/subid-ldap.tar.gz
mkdir /usr/local/share/subid-ldap
tar xf /tmp/subid-ldap.tar.gz -C /usr/local/share/subid-ldap
ln -s /usr/local/share/subid-ldap/subid-ldap /usr/local/sbin/subid-ldap

If running subid-ldap as a daemon, install the systemd unit file:

cp /usr/local/share/subid-ldap/subid-ldap.service /etc/systemd/system/subid-ldap.service

The environment file /etc/sysconfig/subid-ldap would need to contain necessary configurations or directly edit /etc/systemd/system/subid-ldap.service to add the necessary flag.


Add additional flags either via additional environment variables or passing the flags after the image name.

docker run --detach --rm --name subid-ldap \
  -v /etc/subuid:/host/subuid -v /etc/subgid:/host/subgid \
  -e SUBID_SUBUID=/host/subuid -e SUBID_SUBGID=/host/subgid \
  -e LDAP_URL=ldap:// -e DAEMON=true


The subid-ldap can be run as daemon with --daemon flag or executed via cron.

For Active Directory it's likely paged searches are required so at minimum the --ldap-paged-search flag would be required.

The following flags and environment variables can modify the behavior of the subid-ldap:

Flag Environment Variable Description Default/Required
--subid.subuid SUBID_SUBUID Path to subuid file /etc/subuid
--subid.subgid SUBID_SUBGID Path to subgid file /etc/subgid
--subid.start SUBID_START Start ID of subuid/subgid 65537
--subid.range SUBID_RANGE Range for each entry 65536
--ldap.url LDAP_URL LDAP URL to query, example: ldap:// Required
--ldap.tls LDAP_TLS Enable TLS when connecting to LDAP false
--no-ldap.tls-verify LDAP_TLS_VERIFY=false Disable TLS verification when connecting to LDAP true
--ldap.tls-ca-cert LDAP_TLS_CA_CERT The contents of TLS CA cert when the certificate needs to be verified and not in global trust store None
--ldap.user-base-dn LDAP_USER_BASE_DN Base DN of the Users OU in LDAP Required
--ldap.bind-dn LDAP_BIND_DN Bind DN when connecting to LDAP None (anonymous binds)
--ldap.bind-password LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD Bind password when connecting to LDAP None (anonymous binds)
--ldap.user-filter LDAP_USER_FILTER User LDAP filter (objectClass=posixAccount)
--ldap.user-uid-attr LDAP_USER_UID_ATTR LDAP user UID attribute uidNumber
--ldap.paged-search LDAP_PAGED_SEARCH Enable paged searches against LDAP false
--ldap.paged-search-size LDAP_PAGED_SEARCH_SIZE Size of searches when using paged searches 1000
--daemon DAEMON Run as daemon false
--daemon.update-interval DAEMON_UPDATE_INTERVAL Update interval in daemon mode 5m
--metrics.listen-address METRICS_LISTEN_ADDRESS The address to listen on for metrics when running as daemon :8085
--metrics.path METRICS_PATH The path to store metrics that can be scraped by node_exporter