
Tool to fork a repository, commit files, create a pull request and upload assets using GitHub API

APACHE-2.0 License



Fork of int128/ghcp.

This is a release engineering tool for GitHub. It depends on GitHub APIs and works without git installation.

It provides the following features:

  • Commit files to a repository
  • Create an empty commit
  • Fork a repository and commit files to the forked repository
  • Create a pull request
  • Upload files to GitHub Releases


There are several ways to install ghcp.

  1. Homebrew
brew install suzuki-shunsuke/ghcp/ghcp
  1. Scoop
scoop bucket add suzuki-shunsuke
scoop install ghcp
  1. aqua
aqua g -i suzuki-shunsuke/ghcp
  1. Download a prebuilt binary from GitHub Releases and unarchive it and install the executable file into $PATH

You can verify downloaded binaries using some tools.

  1. Cosign
  2. slsa-verifier
  3. GitHub CLI

1. Cosign

You can install Cosign by aqua.

aqua g -i sigstore/cosign
gh release download -R suzuki-shunsuke/ghcp v1.16.0
cosign verify-blob \
  --signature ghcp_1.16.0_checksums.txt.sig \
  --certificate ghcp_1.16.0_checksums.txt.pem \
  --certificate-identity-regexp 'https://github\.com/suzuki-shunsuke/go-release-workflow/\.github/workflows/release\.yaml@.*' \
  --certificate-oidc-issuer "" \


Verified OK

After verifying the checksum, verify the artifact.

cat ghcp_1.16.0_checksums.txt | sha256sum -c --ignore-missing

2. slsa-verifier

You can install slsa-verifier by aqua.

aqua g -i slsa-framework/slsa-verifier
gh release download -R suzuki-shunsuke/ghcp v1.16.0
slsa-verifier verify-artifact ghcp_darwin_arm64.tar.gz \
  --provenance-path multiple.intoto.jsonl \
  --source-uri \
  --source-tag v1.16.0


Verified signature against tlog entry index 136760156 at URL:
Verified build using builder "" at commit 9d47cba9274dd0f8ea849f0ab18b4e9ec11adbd2
Verifying artifact ghcp_darwin_arm64.tar.gz: PASSED

PASSED: SLSA verification passed

3. GitHub CLI

You can install GitHub CLI by aqua.

aqua g -i cli/cli
gh release download -R suzuki-shunsuke/ghcp v1.16.0 -p ghcp_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
gh attestation verify ghcp_darwin_arm64.tar.gz \
  -R suzuki-shunsuke/ghcp \
  --signer-workflow suzuki-shunsuke/go-release-workflow/.github/workflows/release.yaml


Loaded digest sha256:56b0ed7135feb44a2a7ec6a8960ca1e4c15d64b45a4ecdb307fc91a4ebbf33ac for file://ghcp_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
Loaded 1 attestation from GitHub API
✓ Verification succeeded!

sha256:56b0ed7135feb44a2a7ec6a8960ca1e4c15d64b45a4ecdb307fc91a4ebbf33ac was attested by:
REPO                                 PREDICATE_TYPE                  WORKFLOW
suzuki-shunsuke/go-release-workflow  .github/workflows/release.yaml@7f97a226912ee2978126019b1e95311d7d15c97a

GitHub Access Token

You need to set a GitHub Access token to the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN.

export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx

Or you can also pass the access token with --token option.


ghcp --token xxx commit -r OWNER/REPO -m MESSAGE file1 file2

Getting Started

Commit files to a branch

To commit files to the default branch:

ghcp commit -r OWNER/REPO -m MESSAGE file1 file2

To commit files to feature branch:

ghcp commit -r OWNER/REPO -b feature -m MESSAGE file1 file2

If feature branch does not exist, ghcp will create it from the default branch.

To create feature branch from develop branch:

ghcp commit -r OWNER/REPO -b feature --parent=develop -m MESSAGE file1 file2

If feature branch already exists, ghcp will fail. Currently only fast-forward is supported.

ghcp performs a commit operation as follows:

  • An author and committer of a commit are set to the login user (depending on the token).
  • If the branch has same files, do not create a new commit. It prevents an empty commit.
  • It excludes .git directories.
  • It does not support .gitconfig.

You can set the following options.

      --author-email string      Author email (default: login email)
      --author-name string       Author name (default: login name)
  -b, --branch string            Name of the branch to create or update (default: the default branch of repository)
      --committer-email string   Committer email (default: login email)
      --committer-name string    Committer name (default: login name)
      --dry-run                  Upload files but do not update the branch actually
  -h, --help                     help for commit
  -m, --message string           Commit message (mandatory)
      --no-file-mode             Ignore executable bit of file and treat as 0644
      --no-parent                Create a commit without a parent
  -u, --owner string             Repository owner
      --parent string            Create a commit from the parent branch/tag (default: fast-forward)
  -r, --repo string              Repository name, either -r OWNER/REPO or -u OWNER -r REPO (mandatory)

Create an empty commit to a branch

To create an empty commit to the default branch:

ghcp empty-commit -r OWNER/REPO -m MESSAGE

To create an empty commit to the branch:

ghcp empty-commit -r OWNER/REPO -b BRANCH -m MESSAGE

If the branch does not exist, ghcp creates a branch from the default branch. It the branch exists, ghcp updates the branch by fast-forward.

To create an empty commit to a new branch from the parent branch:

ghcp empty-commit -r OWNER/REPO -b BRANCH --parent PARENT -m MESSAGE

If the branch exists, it will fail.

You can set the following options.

      --author-email string      Author email (default: login email)
      --author-name string       Author name (default: login name)
  -b, --branch string            Name of the branch to create or update (default: the default branch of repository)
      --committer-email string   Committer email (default: login email)
      --committer-name string    Committer name (default: login name)
      --dry-run                  Do not update the branch actually
  -h, --help                     help for empty-commit
  -m, --message string           Commit message (mandatory)
  -u, --owner string             Repository owner
      --parent string            Create a commit from the parent branch/tag (default: fast-forward)
  -r, --repo string              Repository name, either -r OWNER/REPO or -u OWNER -r REPO (mandatory)

Fork the repository and commit files to a new branch

To fork repository UPSTREAM/REPO and create feature branch from the default branch:

ghcp fork-commit -u UPSTREAM/REPO -b feature -m MESSAGE file1 file2

To fork repository UPSTREAM/REPO and create feature branch from develop branch of the upstream:

ghcp fork-commit -u UPSTREAM/REPO -b feature --parent develop -m MESSAGE file1 file2

If the branch already exists, ghcp will fail. Currently only fast-forward is supported.

You can set the following options.

      --author-email string      Author email (default: login email)
      --author-name string       Author name (default: login name)
  -b, --branch string            Name of the branch to create (mandatory)
      --committer-email string   Committer email (default: login email)
      --committer-name string    Committer name (default: login name)
      --dry-run                  Upload files but do not update the branch actually
  -h, --help                     help for fork-commit
  -m, --message string           Commit message (mandatory)
      --no-file-mode             Ignore executable bit of file and treat as 0644
  -u, --owner string             Upstream repository owner
      --parent string            Upstream branch name (default: the default branch of the upstream repository)
  -r, --repo string              Upstream repository name, either -r OWNER/REPO or -u OWNER -r REPO (mandatory)

Create a pull request

To create a pull request from feature branch to the default branch:

ghcp pull-request -r OWNER/REPO -b feature --title TITLE --body BODY

To create a pull request from feature branch to the develop branch:

ghcp pull-request -r OWNER/REPO -b feature --base develop --title TITLE --body BODY

To create a pull request from feature branch of OWNER/REPO repository to the default branch of UPSTREAM/REPO repository:

ghcp pull-request -r OWNER/REPO -b feature --base-repo UPSTREAM/REPO --title TITLE --body BODY

To create a pull request from feature branch of OWNER/REPO repository to the default branch of UPSTREAM/REPO repository:

ghcp pull-request -r OWNER/REPO -b feature --base-repo UPSTREAM/REPO --base feature --title TITLE --body BODY

If a pull request already exists, ghcp do nothing.

You can set the following options.

      --base string         Base branch name (default: default branch of base repository)
      --base-owner string   Base repository owner (default: head)
      --base-repo string    Base repository name, either --base-repo OWNER/REPO or --base-owner OWNER --base-repo REPO (default: head)
      --body string         Body of a pull request
      --draft               If set, mark as a draft
  -b, --head string         Head branch name (mandatory)
  -u, --head-owner string   Head repository owner
  -r, --head-repo string    Head repository name, either -r OWNER/REPO or -u OWNER -r REPO (mandatory)
  -h, --help                help for pull-request
      --reviewer string     If set, request a review
      --title string        Title of a pull request (mandatory)

Release assets

To upload files to the release associated to tag v1.0.0:

ghcp release -r OWNER/REPO -t v1.0.0 dist/

If the release does not exist, it will create a release. If the tag does not exist, it will create a tag from the default branch and create a release.

To create a tag and release on commit COMMIT_SHA and upload files to the release:

ghcp release -r OWNER/REPO -t v1.0.0 --target COMMIT_SHA dist/

If the tag already exists, it ignores the target commit. If the release already exist, it only uploads the files.

You can set the following options.

      --dry-run         Do not create a release and assets actually
  -h, --help            help for release
  -u, --owner string    Repository owner
  -r, --repo string     Repository name, either -r OWNER/REPO or -u OWNER -r REPO (mandatory)
  -t, --tag string      Tag name (mandatory)
      --target string   Branch name or commit SHA of a tag. Unused if the Git tag already exists (default: the default branch)


Global options

You can set the following options.

Global Flags:
      --api string         GitHub API v3 URL (v4 will be inferred) [$GITHUB_API]
      --debug              Show debug logs
  -C, --directory string   Change to directory before operation
      --token string       GitHub API token [$GITHUB_TOKEN]

GitHub Enterprise

You can set a GitHub API v3 URL by GITHUB_API environment variable or --api option.

export GITHUB_API=

GitHub API v4 URL will be automatically inferred from the v3 URL by resolving the relative path ../graphql.


Please see the guide.


Apache License 2.0

This is a fork of int128/ghcp (base commit). The original author is Hidetake Iwata and the original license is also Apache License 2.0.

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