
a suite of helpers for testing Terraform Configuration Examples

APACHE-2.0 License


Terraform Provider Example Tester

This library provides several helpers to allow for testing Examples of a Terraform Provider.

For each Directory found containing examples (requirements below) - this Test Helper does the following:

  • Parses the variables.tf file within the directory and then either Generates or passes through a value from an Env. Variable
  • Downloads Terraform Core from releases.hashicorp.com
  • Writes out a test.tf which contains the following:
terraform {
  required_version = "=0.11.13"

provider "azurerm" {
  version = "=1.23.0"
  • Writes out a test.tfvars containing the values for each variable listed above
  • Runs: terraform init, terraform validate, terraform apply and then terraform destroy

The intention is that this is used in an Acceptance Test to validate each example - see below for an example of this.

In order to be useful, this Tester makes several assumptions about the directory structure of each example:

  • main.tf - which contains (at least some) Terraform Configuration.
  • variables.tf - contains all of the variables required for the example.

In addition - tests can be skipped by placing a .skip-test file in the directory.

Using this library

Given an examples folder which contains one or more Terraform Configurations - an Acceptance Test similar to below can be used:

package main

import (


func TestRunExamples(t *testing.T) {
	if os.Getenv("TF_EXAMPLE_TEST") == "" {
		log.Printf("`TF_EXAMPLE_TEST` is not set - skipping")

	examplesDirectory := "./examples"
	directories := locator.DiscoverExamples(examplesDirectory)

	input := runner.TestRunInput{
		ProviderVersion:  "1.23.0",
		ProviderName:     "azurerm",
		TerraformVersion: "0.11.13",
		AvailableVariables: []runner.AvailableVariable{
				Name:     "prefix",
				Generate: true,
				Name:       "location",
				EnvKeyName: "ARM_LOCATION",
				Name:       "alt_location",
				EnvKeyName: "ARM_LOCATION_ALT",
				Name:       "kubernetes_client_id",
				EnvKeyName: "ARM_CLIENT_ID",
				Name:       "kubernetes_client_secret",
				EnvKeyName: "ARM_CLIENT_SECRET",

	for _, directoryPath := range directories {
		shortDirName := strings.Replace(directoryPath, examplesDirectory, "", -1)
		testName := fmt.Sprintf("examples%s", shortDirName)
		t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) {
			if err := input.Run(directoryPath); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Error running %q: %s", shortDirName, err)


  • Go
  • unzip available on your PATH