
a simple timer for the console/terminal

GPL-3.0 License



a simple timer for the console/terminal

how it works

  • the timer will count down from the specified time
  • when the time is up, three things happen:
    1. the terminal screen will flash red on/off
    2. the terminal bell will ring (every 30 seconds)
    3. a desktop notification is sent (only for the following operating systems*)
      • GNU/Linux using libnotify notify-send
        • copy clock.png into the application directory to display a clock icon in the notification
      • OS X 10.9+ using AppleScript display notification
  • P to pause
  • CTRL+C to exit

*see notifize package for more information on desktop notification support for other operating systems


download the binary for your platform from the releases page

alternately, to build from source, install this Go application with go install github.com/ctcpip/timezilla@latest

usage instructions

timezilla [minutes] minutes specified in fractional minutes if no minutes specified, timer will default to 25 minutes (pomodoro standard)

timezilla       # default 25 minute timer

timezilla .5    # 30 second timer
timezilla 1     # 1 minute timer
timezilla 2.5   # 2 minute, 30 second timer
timezilla 5     # 5 minute timer
timezilla 10.1  # 10 minute, six second timer


I started this project to provide a simple timer for use with the pomodoro technique, a time management method. this application is written in Go / golang.

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