
Slides and notes for talks that I've given


Talks 🔈

Just a repository to hold the talks that I've given at one point or another, including the slides to go along.


Where, when and what I spoke about.

Organiser What Where When Link Slides
Saint Kentigern College Intro to Software Engineering SKC Mon Apr 08, 2018 slides
Rust AKL Intro to Rust Movio Tue Sep 11, 2018 meetup slides
GDG Golang Berlin Debugging in Go SumUp Wed Feb 10, 2020 meetup slides
Go-AKL Debugging in Go Remote Thu Apr 02, 2020 meetup slides
SumUp Debugging in Go Webinar Thu May 28, 2020 homepage slides


Please feel free to open a PR if you notice any omissions or mistakes!