


It is a tutorial project to let people understand the backend framework step-by-step.

From phase1 to phase11, you will see know a CRUD endpoint is refactored from 250 lines to only 80 lines. Also, you will learn modern coding skills, such as struct tag(~=Java annotation), reflection, middleware.

這是一個教學用專案,讓你一步一步理解backend framework的基本結構。 從第一版到第十一版,你將會看到一個250行的CRUD endpoint,被改寫成只有80行。 而且,你將會學習到現在編程技巧,例如:struct tag(大約等同Java annotation),reflection和middleware。


Branch Description
phase1 Demonstrate the codes written by novice developer. No attention to code reusability decreases maintainability and productivity.
phase2 Introduce of mux library. The routing information is centralized in main.go.
phase3 Remove hardcoded database username and password in source code. Introduces dependency injection of database object.
phase4 Introduce ORM.
phase5 Introduce input binder. Also, demonstrates the power(and pain) of reflection.
phase6 Introduce input validator.
phase7 Introduce middleware to handle http output.
phase8 Introduce database transaction manager. Remove of global database object in handler.
phase9 Add user model into the system. Introduce jwt authorization in middleware.
phase10 Wrap up repetitive code in CRUD handler
phase11 Introduce 3rd party middleware. Make the system become production-ready.
分支 說明
phase1 一個菜鳥所寫的程式碼。沒有著重程式重用性,讓程式變得難以維護,也降低人們的生產力。
phase2 引入mux程式庫。Routing資料現在全集中在main.go。
phase3 刪掉在程式碼中hardcoded的資料庫用戶名字和密碼。引入資料庫物件的dependency injection。
phase4 引入ORM.
phase5 引入輸入處理器,也說明reflection的強大(和痛苦)。
phase6 引入輸入檢查器。
phase7 引入中間件來負責HTTP輸出。
phase8 引入資料庫交易管理者。刪掉在handler的全域資料庫物件。
phase9 加入用戶物件到系統。在中間件層加入jwt身份驗證
phase10 把重複性程式碼變成獨立程序
phase11 引入第三方套件,讓系統質素到達能上線級別。

Getting Started

Mercurial and Git

Some libraries require installation of Mercurial and Git. Please install these yourselves. If you are using ubuntu, you may run the following command: (Remarks: Never ask me anything about Windows environment)

sudo apt-get install mercurial git

部份程式庫需要使用Mercurial和Git,請自行安裝: 如果你使用ubuntu,你可以執行以下指令: (請勿問我任何Windows上操作問題)

sudo apt-get install mercurial git

Go 1.5+

The Go packages in ubuntu is outdated. Thus I suggest you downloading the latest Go Compiler yourselves. In following step, the Go compiler will be stored in your home directory.

  1. Extract the go1.X-linux-amd64.tar.gz file into ~/go-compiler:
    mkdir ~/go-compiler && tar -xvf go1.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C ~/go-compiler --strip-components 1
  2. Create the a folder to store all go source code:
    mkdir ~/go
  3. Open ~/.bashrc add following lines in the bottom
    export PATH=$PATH:[home_directory]/go-compiler/bin
    export GOROOT=[home_directory]/go-compiler
    export GOPATH=[home_directory]/go
  4. restart your terminal
  5. Run: go version
    If your compiler installed correctly, you will see something like "go version go1.6 linux/amd64"
  6. cd ~/go/src && git clone

在ubuntu中的Go package是老舊的,我建議你下載最新Go 編譯器

  1. 把下載到的go1.X-linux-amd64.tar.gz解壓縮到 ~/go-compiler:
    mkdir ~/go-compiler && tar -xvf go1.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C ~/go-compiler --strip-components 1
  2. 建立資料夾,用來存放所有的原始碼:
    mkdir ~/go
  3. 打開 ~/.bashrc,把以下內容加到最底:
    export PATH=$PATH:[home_directory]/go-compiler/bin
    export GOROOT=[home_directory]/go-compiler
    export GOPATH=[home_directory]/go
  4. 重開你的terminal
  5. 執行: go version
    如果你的Go編譯器正確設定,你應該會看到"go version go1.6 linux/amd64"
  6. cd ~/go/src && git clone

PostgreSQL 9.3+

If you are using ubuntu, I would suggest you simply run: "sudo apt-get install postgresql" The default installation is enough for development purpose. The ~/go/src/demo/schema folder contains readme.txt. It will teach you how to create the objects in database.

如果你正在使用ubuntu,我建議你直接執行"sudo apt-get install postgresql" 標準安裝在開發環境下足夠使用了。 資料夾 ~/go/src/demo/schema內的readme.txt,會教你怎樣一步一步地建立資料庫內所需物件

Need Help?

If you have a question or feature request, ask me in facebook. GitHub will be used exclusively for bug reports and pull requests. I also provide backend courses. Please contract me if you want to pay for more knowledge.

如果你有疑問或請求,從facebook找我. GitHub只用作錯誤回報和pull request. 我有提供後端教學課程。如果你願意付費來換取更多知識,歡迎找我。


If you think this tutorial is really helpful, I suggest you donate your 2 hours salary to Free Software foundation or Open Culture foundation


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