
Unbound Dashboard In Grafana With Prometheus & Loki

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🔸 Unbound dashboard in Grafana 🔸 Prometheus time series database 🔸 Unbound metrics exporter in Go 🔸 Log aggregation with Loki 🔸 Unbound setup is available at unbound-redis 🔸 Refer to info.md for dashboard details and release.md for changes


Grafana Prometheus Loki Go OS HW
11.1.0 2.42.0 3.1.0 1.21.5 raspios-bookworm-arm64-lite Raspberry Pi 4 Model B


  🔸 Grafana ➜ Prometheus ➜ Unbound Exporter ➜ Loki ➜ Import Dashboard

❯ Grafana

  • Download: There are 2 versions OSS and Enterprise. OSS version is more than enough. Enterprise version installs too many extra packages (like unattended-upgrades and more). Below cmd downloads Grafana OSS for arm64.

    wget https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana_11.1.0_arm64.deb

  • Install:

    sudo apt install musl

    ℹ️ Note: musl package is required since Grafana 10.2.3

    sudo dpkg -i grafana_11.1.0_arm64.deb

    ℹ️ Note: A tweaked grafana.ini is available in the release. It reduces memory footprint, removes usage collection, stops calls to grafana server/repo and has few more optimizations. You can use grafana.ini either from the release or the default one. Default config is located at /etc/grafana/grafana.ini

  • Start:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable grafana-server sudo systemctl start grafana-server

  • UI:

    http://<RP-IP>:3000/ Default user/pass ➟ admin/admin

❯ Prometheus

  • Install:

    sudo apt install prometheus

  • Config: Enable unbound-exporter scraping in prometheus. A trimmed down prometheus config, prometheus.yml is available in the release. Take a backup of existing prometheus.yml, if you are interested in the default config. Copy prometheus.yml from the release to /etc/prometheus/ dir.

    ℹ️ Note: Provided prometheus.yml has only unbound-exporter metric collection enabled. Default metric collection for node and prometheus exporters are removed. Scraping interval is set to 5m.

  • Remove Node Exporter: Node exporter exports machine metrics. It is installed as part of prometheus pkg and runs as systemd service. It is not needed for unbound-dashboard. Unless you are already using it, remove node exporter. Below cmd will remove 8 node-exporter related pkgs.

    Remove: sudo apt --purge autoremove prometheus-node-exporter Disable scrape config: Provided prometheus.yml has node exporter scrapping config removed.

  • UI:


❯ Unbound Exporter

  • I wrote my own exporter in Go. It is more efficient and tailored for this dashboard. A prebuilt binary (for arm64) is available in the release. Source code is available at unbound-exporter.

  • Config: Modify Unbound config. Edit /etc/unbound/unbound.conf

    • Enable extended stats. Add option under server: tag

      extended-statistics: yes

    • Enable Unix domain socket for collecting stats. It is faster than default TCP. Add below options under remote-control: tag

      control-interface: "/var/run/unbound.sock" control-use-cert: no

  • Install: Copy unbound-exporter binary from the release to /usr/local/bin/ dir. Make sure it is under ownership of root and executable.

    Change ownership [If needed]: sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/unbound-exporter Make it executable [If needed]: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/unbound-exporter

  • Service: Create service to automatically run unbound-exporter at startup. Copy prometheus-unbound-exporter.service from the release to /etc/systemd/system/ dir. Make sure it is under the ownership of root. Enable and start the service.

    Change ownership [If needed]: sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/prometheus-unbound-exporter.service Enable: sudo systemctl enable prometheus-unbound-exporter Start: sudo systemctl start prometheus-unbound-exporter Status: sudo systemctl status prometheus-unbound-exporter

    ℹ️ Note: Provided prometheus-unbound-exporter.service passes 2 paramaters. Blocklist file path and Unbound unix domain socket URI. Change them accordingly if you are using different path and name.

  • Usage:

    unbound-exporter -h

❯ Loki

  • Download: Download Loki and Promtail

    curl -O -L "https://github.com/grafana/loki/releases/download/v3.1.0/loki_3.1.0_arm64.deb" curl -O -L "https://github.com/grafana/loki/releases/download/v3.1.0/promtail_3.1.0_arm64.deb"

  • Install:

    sudo dpkg -i loki_3.1.0_arm64.deb sudo dpkg -i promtail_3.1.0_arm64.deb

  • Logging: Enable Unbound logging.

    • Edit /etc/unbound/unbound.conf. Add/Modify below options under server: tag

      log-replies: yes log-tag-queryreply: yes log-local-actions: yes logfile: /var/log/unbound/unbound.log

      ℹ️ Note: Make sure verbosity: is set to 0.

    • Create log dir

      sudo mkdir /var/log/unbound sudo chown unbound:unbound /var/log/unbound

    • Enable log rotation

      Copy file unbound from the release under logrotate dir to /etc/logrotate.d/ dir. Make sure it is under the ownership of root.

  • Config: Replace /etc/loki/config.yml and /etc/promtail/config.yml with the config.yml files in the release under loki and promtail dirs respectively. Both should be under the ownership of root.

    ℹ️ Note: Provided loki config.yml is optimized to process large data set and metrics calculation for Unbound logs. It is tweaked after some thorough testing in Unbound logs specific dashboard with 6 panels. Default loki config can hardly handle 2 panels with small data set, it throws errors and timeouts with large data set and multiple requests. Provided promtail config.yml enables Unbound logs scrapping.

  • Restart:

    sudo systemctl restart loki sudo systemctl restart promtail

❯ Import Dashboard

  • Open Grafana UI ➟ http://<RP-IP>:3000/

    • Click Data Sources under Configuration. Click Add data source select Prometheus. Add below options:

      NamePrometheus DefaultOn Add URLhttp://localhost:9090 Add Scrape interval5m Hit ➟ Save & test

    • Click Data Sources under Configuration. Click Add data source select Loki. Add below options:

      NameLoki Add URLhttp://localhost:3100 Add Maximum lines100000 Hit ➟ Save & test

    • Dashboard, unbound-dashboard.json is available in the release. Click Import under Dashboards. Click Upload JSON file. Select unbound-dashboard.json. Add below options:

      FolderDashboards Select PrometheusData Source Select LokiData Source Hit ➟ Import

ℹ️ Tips & Notes

  • Grafana: How to ➟ Change grafana landing page to unbound dashboard & Switch between Dark (default) and Light theme.

    Open Grafana UI ➟ http://<RP-IP>:3000/ Click Profile under top right icon Under Preferences select General/Unbound in Home Dashboard drop down Change theme in Interface theme drop down Hit Save

    There is an additional panel in the dashboard at the top right, not visible in the preview. It shows unbound-exporter status and may be beneficial. If you are not interested in that simply remove it. Screenshot below:

  • Prometheus: How to ➟ Remove time series (metrics) collected by prometheus instantly for fresh start & Reduce prometheus journal logging.

    Enable admin API: sudo nano /etc/default/prometheus Add at the top: ARGS="--web.enable-admin-api --log.level=warn" Save & Exit

    To delete all metrics of specific exporter add job_name as last argument in delete cmd: Delete: curl -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={job="node"}' Purge: curl -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/clean_tombstones' Restart: sudo systemctl restart prometheus