
Lightning node bot ⚡🤖



Lightning node bot ⚡🤖

Supported Products

Supported Lightning Nodes Implementations


Voltbot is a lightweight bot that retrieves lightning node stats and send them via different channels. This can be beneficial for monitoring node instances. Voltbot communicates with the LND instance through gRPC.


To operate, the bot requires reading configuration data from a JSON file. The configuration file must be located within the config folder at the root directory and must be named voltbot_config.json. You can take a look at the example file inside the config folder:

    "lnd_node_endpoint": "<node-endpoint:port>",
    "lnd_node_tls_cert_path": "config/tls.cert",
    "lnd_node_macaroon_hex_path": "config/macaroon.hex",
    "slack_channel_id": "<slack-channel-id>",
    "slack_token": "<slack-token>"

At present, the retrieval of statistics is hard-coded to occur every 360 minutes (6 hours).

Run with docker

The project includes a GitHub Action that publishes an OCI image (container) to the GitHub registry when a new version is tagged. Consequently, it is possible to run the project directly as a container.

Pull the image:

docker pull ghcr.io/stackzoo/voltbot:0.0.5

And the run the container by mapping the local folder that contains the configuration files:

docker run -v "/your/local/config/path/config:/config" ghcr.io/stackzoo/voltbot:0.0.5

[!Note] You can also pull the Image compiled for ARM architecture, for example if you want to run the bot on a raspberry pi or another edge device. In order to do that you just need to use the "-arm" tag, for example: docker pull ghcr.io/stackzoo/voltbot:0.0.5-arm

All the published Images can be found here.
