
Go programming language SDK (Beta) for VMC. NSX-T and vSphere services will be added soon.

OTHER License


vsphere-automation-sdk-go (Beta)

vSphere Automation SDK Beta for GO language.

VMware vSphere Automation SDK for GO Language

Table of Contents


This document describes the vSphere Automation GO SDK services(client-bindings), that use the vSphere Automation GO client library. Currently, vSphere Automation Go SDK supports VMC and NSX-T. Support for vSphere(vCenter) will be added soon.

Quick Start Guide

This document will walk you through setting up the SDK to start writing your Sample.

Environment Set Up


  • golang 1.17
  • Recommneded use of Go Modules for development,
    as it will be very convenient and easy to upgrade to major version releases.

Go Environment Variables

  • GO111MODULE environment variable is recommended to be set as

    auto: if all the Go projects in your development environment are not compatible with Go Modules.

    on: if all your projects are compatible with Go Modules.

  • GOPATH environment variable is required to be set only if "GO111MODULE" is set to "auto".

Start Writing your Sample

Create Go Module

Start with creating Go Module by executing the command

go mod init sample

Executing this command will create go.mod file in current directory, as shown below

module sample

go 1.17


  • If "GOPATH" is set in your development environment, use directory outside "GOPATH" as workspace for writing your sample.
  • If the Go Module, you are developing, is to be stored on any public or private Code repository, use fully qualified URL as the module name like for module vsphere-automation-sdk-go on github.com has module name "github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-go".

Writing your Sample

You can directly start writing your sample.go file by importing the required Go Modules. For VMC services import


For NSX-T services import


You can refer to the below code excerpt.

package main

import (

	vmc "github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-go/services/vmc"


  • If you are using IDE to develop and want to use auto-completion, navigation and other such features for fast and easy development, just write all your imports with "_" (underscore) as alias as shown below

    package main
    import (
        _ "github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-go/services/vmc"

    and then execute below command in the directory with the go.mod file

    go test


    go build

This will fetch all the dependency modules and your IDE code-related features will start working.

API Documentation

The API documentation can be accessed from here:


Resource Maintenance

Filing Issues

Any bugs or other issues should be filed with appropriate tags, within GitHub by way of the repository’s Issue Tracker.

Resolving Issues

This project contains auto-generated code, therefore code contributions will not be accepted. However, vsphere-automation-sdk-go team welcomes issue reports and we will do our best to ensure that future population of repository will contain a fix.

Repository Administrator Resources

Board Members

Board members are volunteers from the SDK community and VMware staff members.


  • Deyan Popov (VMware)
  • Ankit Agrawal (VMware)
  • Kunal Singh (VMware)

VMware Resources


vsphere-automation-sdk-go is available under the BSD-2 license.