
an stateless OpenID Connect authorization server that mints ID Tokens from Webauthn challenges

APACHE-2.0 License



!! This is probably full of game-breaking bugs !!

Webauthn-oidc is a very minimal OIDC authorization server that only supports webauthn for authentication. This can be used to bootstrap a secure-by-design passwordless identity system.

No accounts are stored in webauthn-oidc. Instead your account id is cryptographically derived from the attestation certificate that your hardware token provides on signup. This means that we don't store any account information on the webauthn-oidc server. The ID token only contains information directly derivaeable from your attestation certificate.

No secrets are shared anywhere either. We implement PKCE for peforming the challenge between client and server.


In this demo you'll be able to authenticate to a local kubernetes kind cluster.

kind cluster create --config kind.yaml

Then follow the instructions printed by kubelogin to create an account backed by a hardware token with cluster-admin priveleges:

kubectl oidc-login setup --oidc-issuer-url https://oidc.arianvp.me --oidc-client-id ASF4Os1wJysH6uWvJV9PvyNiph4y4O84tGCHj1FZE

Video demo


Registering an Oauth Client

webauthn-oidc implements the Dynamic Registration standard:

$ curl -s -XPOST https://oidc.arianvp.me/register --data '{"redirect_uris":["http://localhost:8000"]}' | jq .
  "client_id": "ASF4Os1wJysH6uWvJV9PvyNiph4y4O84tGCHj1FZEE8",
  "client_secret": "ASF4Os1wJysH6uWvJV9PvyNiph4y4O84tGCHj1FZEE8Mi_AdSNTdk2QoLyZGdGXhhhdbQqFAJZ-PEH6m1UYD_w"


Your identity is minted from the hash of your public key and credential id. The original attestation of your Hardware token is stored in localStorage upon registration. On authentication, you send both the attestation statement and the assertion statement of the webauthn challenge legs. We then verify that the signature in the assertion is signed with the key in the attestation statement and then mint an ID token with the following ID:


Future features:

  • Enforce and check user verification and set amr values in the ID token accordingly
  • Implement direct attestation, to allow us to get info on your token's hardware capailities (biometric , pin, secure element)
  • Set amr values according to what kind of challenge was done (biometric vs pin)
  • Allow people to set acr_values to require certain assurance level during login (e.g. biometric or FIPS ceritified)

Deploy yourself

Using NixOS

# /etc/configuration/flake.nix
  description = "Example deploy";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-21.05";
    webauthn-oidc.url = "github.com:arianvp/webauthn-oidc";

  outputs = { self, webauthn-oidc, nixpkgs }: {
    nixosModules.oidcWithNginx = {
      services.nginx.enable = true;
      services.webauthn-oidc = {
        host = "oidc.arianvp.me"; # CHANGE ME
        createNginxConfig = true;
    nixosConfigurations."webauthn-oidc" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      modules = [