
A reference repository that documents Godot's GDExtension API and provides some C boilerplate.


GDExtension Util

What is this?

A reference repository that documents Godot's GDExtension API and provides some C boilerplate. This repository was created because I was making 3starblaze/godot-clojure. GDExtension docs were rather sparse but nonetheless I needed to have a good grasp over the API.

I want to thank all the good folks at Godot Café discord server who helped me fill the gaps. Special thanks to godotengine/godot-docs PR#8751 that has a sweet tutorial on using GDExtension via C.

Currently README is composed from 2 parts:

  • Glossary -- explanation of terms that you will encounter when working with GDExtension
  • Documentation -- a tutorial that gradually introduces you to GDExtension concepts and which will teach you how to make a custom Node class that you can use in editor just like regular Godot nodes.

In distant future there should be a guide on how to make a custom Script (like GDScript or CSharpScript). In short, you need to make a custom class implementation for ScriptExtension and ScriptLanguageExtension.

Also, there's probably going to be some boilerplate that adds some safety to FFI API. If you have gone through tutorial documentation, you will notice how common void pointers are. While typing all object types is a bit too much work, in future we could add such potential additions as

  • autogenerated gde-header function struct definition
  • types, constructors and destructors for "built-in classes"
  • generated and typed Variant wrapping and unwrapping


  • (function/method) hash -- a unique unsigned integer that represents the function/method signature

  • placeholder script instance -- a script instance that only runs in editor and not during the game

  • ptrcall method -- a method that operates on raw types (such as doubles, ints) which are not wrapped in Variant

  • utility function -- a function that is defined in @GlobalScope



In order to make the integration, you should familiarize yourself with two files gde-header (godot-headers/gdextension_interface.h) and gde-api (godot-headers/extension_api.json). gde-header lists all sorts of types that are mostly unique to Godot + C interop. gde-api mostly describes the regular Godot API that is used for game development.

Everything begins when Godot calls a function that matches the GDExtensionInitializationFunction type. gde-header offers some explanation about this function. In order to begin writing the C code, we will import the header and define the entry function as godot_entry.

#include "../godot-headers/gdextension_interface.h"

  GDExtensionInterfaceGetProcAddress p_get_proc_address,
  const GDExtensionClassLibraryPtr p_library,
  GDExtensionInitialization *r_initialization
) {


First we need to understand all three parameters, in order to understand how we can tell Godot what needs to be done.

The first parameter p_get_proc_address is a function that takes a const char *p_function_name and returns a function. This function is the only way to interact with Godot because gde-header doesn't list any functions that can be called, it's just typedefs. If you search for @name in gde-header, you will see several special function typedefs that have docblocks. Those are public functions you can call but first you have to retrieve them via p_get_proc_address.

The second parameter p_library is mostly used for defining custom classes that will appear in Godot once your C library is loaded.

The third parameter, r_initialization is used to configure initialization. Let's look inside gde-header.

// ...
typedef enum {
} GDExtensionInitializationLevel;

typedef struct {
	/* Minimum initialization level required.
	 * If Core or Servers, the extension needs editor or game restart to take effect */
	GDExtensionInitializationLevel minimum_initialization_level;
	/* Up to the user to supply when initializing */
	void *userdata;
	/* This function will be called multiple times for each initialization level. */
	void (*initialize)(void *userdata, GDExtensionInitializationLevel p_level);
	void (*deinitialize)(void *userdata, GDExtensionInitializationLevel p_level);
// ...

Once Godot starts, it initializes in layers, first core, second servers, third scene and finally editor (if the editor is loaded). These initialization layers roughly correspond to those in Godot's architecture diagram page.

If you don't know what to choose, you only need to care about scene (which is always loaded) or editor (which is only loaded when the editor is loaded). Set r_initialization's initialize and deinitialize, compare the p_level to GDEXTENSION_INITIALIZATION_SCENE or GDEXTENSION_INITIALIZATION_SCENE and do the work. If you don't wait for initialization (for example, you want to do your work in the entry function) then Godot classes cannot be used and you will encounter ERROR: Cannot get class 'Node'. or similar.

With this knowledge you can make a simple "Hello world" program that will be called when a Godot project is loaded. Once you compile hello_gdextension.c and run the minimal project, you can see print statements "hello from scene!" and "hello from editor!" which means that everything works as expected! If you close Godot normally (and don't terminate with Ctrl-C), you will see "goodbye from editor!" and "goodbye from scene!".

./ src/hello_gdextension.c # Build the first example
godot mvp-godot-project/project.godot # Open the project

Hello p_get_proc_address

src/hello_p_get_proc_address.c contains a simple usage of p_get_process_address in order to retrieve the current version of Godot.

./ src/hello_p_get_proc_address.c
godot mvp-godot-project/project.godot

Hello global Godot function

src/hello_global_godot_function.c shows how you can call a Godot function that is defined in the global scope. You can find documentation in @GlobalScope. In our program we have chosen to call rad_to_deg. While it's not worth the effort to call this particular function because the formula is as simple as rad * 180 / PI, it's perfect for demonstration purposes because we can quickly tell if the function output is correct.

This example introduces several new concepts and thus is noticeably larger.

First of all, to keep our sanity, we have made a gd_extension structure that holds the global API functions. Keeping functions in a struct lets our function calls look like they belong in a namespace, e.g. gd_extension.string_name_new_with_utf8_chars(res, c_string), which makes code more readable.

Secondly, @GlobalScope functions are called utility functions in GDExtension and the function signatures are found in gde-api's utility_functions field. An important concept to keep in mind is the notion of function/method signature hash which uniquely identifies a signature. It doesn't seem to be an important concept in global functions but there are several classes in Godot with methods that can have optional arguments or several signatures. In practical terms, if we want to call a function/method, we need to specify both name and hash which you can see in gd_extension.variant_get_ptr_utility_function(rad_to_deg_string_name, 2140049587);.

Thirdly, you are greeted with StringName which appears rather often in GDExtension. You can read StringName documentation in the official docs but the main idea is that StringName comparisons are really fast and the rule of thumb is that if you want to specify a class, property or anything else that needs to be found via string, it's going to be to a StringName.

GDExtension provides a convenience function string_name_with_utf8_chars that can turn a regular C string into StringName. If we take a look at our convenience function construct_string_name, we see that the size depends on whether the Godot is built for 64bit (which it is). In order to figure out, how many bytes are needed, we need to look inside gde-api's builtin_class_sizes. There are 4 build configurations: float_32, float_64, double_32, double_64 which respectively correspond to regular 32-bit, regular 64-bit, large world coordinate 32-bit, large world coordinate 64bit. If we inspect the size of StringName, we get 4, 8, 4, 8 which means that the StringName size only depends on bit width. By default Godot is in float_64 configuration and you would need to build other configurations separately. You may want to read Large world coordinates documentation.

Since StringName is a Godot Variant, we need to destruct it like a Variant by first getting variant_get_ptr_destructor and then obtaining the destructor with gd_extension.variant_get_ptr_destructor(GDEXTENSION_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING_NAME).

Finally we can talk about the task we want to achieve -- use rad_to_deg to convert 3.14 radians to degrees. We first fetch the utility function via name + hash that we found in gde-api then we prepare arguments and destination and finally we call the function and print the results.

A potentially confusing part are the types -- GDExtensionTypePtr, GDExtensionConstTypePtr, GDExtensionUninitializedTypePtr. They are just regular C types that you can access directly and the types of these variables depend on the function we are using. Since rad_to_deg takes a float and returns a float then we have to use a C double. I know this because the size of Godot's float is always 8 (as per gde-api) and the C type that fits the bill is double.

Now that out of the way, we can compile and run the example and get 3.14rad is equal to 179.908748 deg (the degrees may vary a bit) in the terminal. We have successfully called a global function.

Hello ptrcall OS.alert()

In src/hello_ptrcall_os_alert.c we examine how to call OS singleton method alert ( String text, String title="Alert!" ) via ptrcall.

ptrcall is the simplest but also the most unsafe way to call a method. When using ptrcall, you pass an array of void pointers which must correctly correspond to the method arguments. If the types don't match you will segfault, or, even worse, get garbage output. Just treat it like a regular memory hazard you encounter in C.

Also keep in mind that arrays in C are degraded into regular pointers which means that ptrcall doesn't know the number of elements. The practical consequence is that you must specify all the default arguments because ptrcall cannot know if optional argument were passed or not. This also means that ptrcall can't really be used for vararg methods/functions.

Anyhow, as we look at the source file, we can see STORE_GD_EXTENSION which is a simple macro that saves me some keystrokes and makes godot_entry function a bit nicer to look at. We also brought some string and string_name helpers, just like previously. The main action happens in do_work function.

In order to fetch a singleton, we use gd_extension.global_get_singleton function that takes the singleton's class name. Once we have the singleton, we need to get OS.alert method bind which is an object that represents a method. Method bind needs a class name, method name and the method hash. Once we have the method bind, we can use gd_extension.object_method_bind_ptrcall, pass the arguments and see the alert that we spent so much effort to call. Also, we pass NULL as the last argument because alert has no return type and we have to give something so that our code compiles.

As we have seen in previous example, treat GDExtensionConstTypePtr as a void pointer. It can be a native C type, it can be a Godot type, it can be whatever it needs to be. We are passing godot strings because the type is String and if the type starts with a capital letter, it's probably a Godot type. If it was an int or a float, it would be uint64_t and double in C (as you can see in builtin_class_sizes in gde-api).

Hello normal OS.alert() call

As hinted in the previous example, ptrcall is not the only way to call methods. The other way is calling normally which can be seen in src/hello_normal_call_os_alert.c. Actually this type of calling doesn't have a specific name, so I will call it the normal way. The normal way of calling methods is by using variants.

What is a Variant? You can read the docs but essentially Variant has the same idea as JavaScript or Python variables that can change types throughout the lifecycle of the program. This extra information will help us avoid memory violations and will let us gracefully handle call errors if those come up. Since Variants are so ubiquitous in Godot, it's worth understanding them.

The setup is similar to the previous example, so we can jump in right into do_work function and examine the differences. We select the same method but now we have to wrap our types in Variant. In order to do this, we need to fetch the wrapper function for that specific type and then call it. I made a little helper gd_extension_helper.to_variant.string that does the job. I allocated the space on the stack by making the byte array and as the comment suggests, I would much rather let the compiler do the hard job of tracking allocations.

gd_extension.object_method_bind_call arglist is bigger than its ptrcall counterpart. Now we can specify the argument count and also the place where call errors can be written in case there are any problems. Even though our humble alert function does not return anything, we still need to provide a place for Godot to write the result. When we print the result, we can see the type is 0. If there are no explicit numbers in C enum definitions, the enum members correspond to 0, 1, 2 and so on. Type 0 thus corresponds to Nil which makes sense because we can't get anything.

In this example we just pass 1 argument to demonstrate that default argument is working (and certainly not because I am lazy). We also check the call_error.error enum to make sure that the call was successful. Finally, we clean up strings, string names and variants.

Hello my custom node!

This time in src/hello_my_custom_node.c we are going to utilize gd_extension.classdb_register_extension_class2 in order to make a custom node type. We have the usual boilerplate code that we will skip. The real action happens in register_my_custom_class, my_custom_class_init and my_custom_class_deinit.

In order to register the class, we need the class name, the parent class name and the information which is stored in GDExtensionClassCreationInfo2. The name has 2 in it because the struct changed the shape and the old shape was preserved in order to maintain backward compatibility. The structure has quite a few fields but luckily you can do the bare minimum with just 3 booleans and 2 functions, the rest of the fields can be set to NULL. This is what we did in the example to gradually ease into the shape of this struct. Let's see:

  • is_virtual -- is class virtual? (similar to is_abstract)
  • is_abstract -- is class abstract? (the class must be inherited in order to make an instance)
  • is_exposed -- if true, this class will be visible in editor. For example, if the class is a Node, you can instantiate it via node creation menu just like the built-in nodes.
  • create_instance_func -- constructor
  • create_instance_func -- destructor

Since we want our node to be used directly in the editor, we set the first three fields to false, false, true. Then we define the constructor and destructor. Here's what you need to know about the construction and destruction process.

In order to make your custom class instance, you need to construct a Godot object that is used by your object. Since we are parenting Node, we need to make a Node object via gd_extension.classdb_construct_object. Then we need to construct our own implementation of instance (any type) and attach it via gd_extension.object_set_instance. Finally you need to return the Godot object (and not your instance representation).

This is important to keep in mind. GDExtensionObjectPtr is a Godot Object and GDExtensionClassInstancePtr is literally void pointer, it's for your eyes only. It also seems like userdata parameter is useless because we can store anything in GDExtensionClassInstancePtr.

Finally we have a destructor. I think Godot releases the object on its own, so we probably don't need to touch it. The only manually allocated data is the struct itself which we pass to free.

Our Node doesn't do much but it's a good start. If you open Godot and try to make a Node, you will see it in the menu with the standard Node icon.

Hello my custom node! (with props)

This time we will add some complexity by adding two properties to our class -- amplitude and frequency. As you can notice this addition doubled our file size and it incorporates several important concepts that you will need to utilize during your GDExtension programming journey. We will first start with the goal and then explain the additions.

What do we need to do in order to support properties? We need to update our GDExtensionClassCreationInfo2 struct and define:

  • .set_func -- setter
  • .get_func -- getter
  • .get_property_list_func -- return a list of available properties
  • .free_property_list_func -- destroy the list of properties that was created by .get_property_list_func

We first want to think about what properties we have. I want amplitude and frequency which are Godot floats (C doubles). I defined some property information in my_custom_class_props which I will then use in .get_property_list_func.

So let's look at .get_property_list_func signature. We get our instance, a pointer where we write how many properties we have and finally we return the list. If you look at size_t n definition, you will see a "trick" to calculate array item count which means I don't have to hardcode the size. Then we make the properties.

So what is GDExtensionPropertyInfo? It has a type which is the Godot variant type of property. Then we have a name, self-explanatory. Then we have a class name. I find it weird that property has to know that information but I don't make the rules, I just set the field. Then we have property hints which adds some constraints that makes the property easier to edit. We could add a range but we will just mark our properties without any hints. There's also hint string which seems to include some metadata for a specific hint we use. Check out PropertyHint enum in @GlobalScope docs We don't have any hints so there's not much we can do in that regard. I tried setting that field to NULL but I segfaulted so that means you should put an empty string if you don't care about this field. Finally we have usage flags. There's documentation in GlobalScope docs for PropertyUsageFlags enum but to be honest I don't see anything helpful there, so I am going with the default option which is 6 (2 for storage + 4 for editor).

Nothing interesting in .free_property_list_func, we just free what we had previously allocated.

Then we have setters and getters. First of all we need to store amplitude and frequency in our struct, so we made a prop_state struct in our my_custom_class_t struct, so that we can keep track of those values. I then updated my_custom_class_init to initialize my properties to some distinct values so that I can be certain that everything works correctly.

Now it's time to start working on getter. I can't start with a setter because I wouldn't be able to observe the results as easily. Anyhow, let's take a look at the function signature. We get our instance and we get a string name for the property that is being asked. Then we have r_ret to set our return value and we have to return a boolean. I think we have to return true on success and false on failure.

Anyhow, we need to be able to check what property is being asked. The whole purpose of StringName is getting fast comparisons which more or less hints that we need to use == on that StringName. We need an amplitude StringName and frequency StringName. Getter is being called several times per second which is not that much but we will employ a simple performance optimization measure and store those string names in gd_extension_helper.string_name, so that we don't have to reconstruct them all the time.

Okay, we need to be able to compare them. We need to get a function that can do the equality comparison. First we obtain gd_extension.variant_get_ptr_operator_evaluator and then ask for StringName equality comparison operator and store it in gd_extension_helper.misc.string_name_eq_op. We also made string_name_eq so that we can get a bool directly and make our code a little cleaner.

Now it's just a matter of some if statements to determine the property that needs to be obtained. Of course, we can't return a plain double, we have to wrap it in a Variant. We make gd_extension_helper.wrap.type_double which is equal gd_extension.get_variant_from_type_constructor(GDEXTENSION_VARIANT_TYPE_FLOAT) and now we can easily turn those plain doubles into Variants.

With these steps we have our getter working and now it's time to work on the setter. We use the same string_name_eq we have defined before to match the properties. For type safety reasons, we first have to ensure that a correct type is passed. If the type is okay, we unwrap the value and save it. Unwrap function is retrieved similarly to wrap function. Be careful not to mix unwrapping with wrapping because they have the same signature (speaking from experience).

After that is done, our humble Node class now supports properties. You can change them and you can also revert them.

Hello my custom node! (with overrides)

Now that we have some properties to play with, let's see how we can override methods. Certainly you are familiar with such methods as _ready and _process and know how important they are. We have extended the custom node + props example where we changed the node type to Sprite2D and overridden _process to move the a sprite vertically in a sine-wave motion. We are utilizing our previously defined amplitude and frequency to alter the movement.

In order to override virtual methods, we either need to define .get_virtual_func or .get_virtual_call_data_func + .call_virtual_with_data_func. In .get_virtual_func you are asked for a callback and that callback will be used whenever the method is called. In the second way, Godot calls .get_virtual_call_data_func to trade method name for some piece of your data and whenever that particular method is called, this piece of data along with method args is passed to .call_virtual_with_data_func.

We demonstrate the first option because it's easier but if you are creating bindings to another language, you will probably like the second option because it allows for more dynamic behavior (because you don't need to provide a new function pointer).

We have defined my_custom_class_get_virtual that returns my_custom_class__process_override if _process override is requested. Let's discuss what's happening in our overridden method. First of all, we have to define time_elapsed variable in order to provide a smooth sine motion. Then we pack sine function results into a Vector2 and ptrcall to Node2D.set_position.

First of all, how do we know how Vector2 looks like? If we take a look at gde-api, we see a "builtin_class_member_offsets" field. Each class defined there represents a C struct with its members and the offsets. I would recommend packing your structs tightly because, after skimming through definitions, all of them seem tightly-packed. If you look at Vector2 memory information you can see that x and y change types depending on the large world coordinate support which we reflected via #if macro.

With that being done, we can easily define a Vector2 and pass it to set_position. We fetched the method bind beforehand. If you open the editor and initialize MyCustomNode, you will see that the origin is moving right in the editor. You can drag an image into the texture field to have something more appealing moving. We are done.