
An autoload to make settings management easier

MIT License


Godot Settings Manager

An autoload to make settings management easier.


  • Manage multiple configuration files easily.
    • For instance, to make it easier for users to backup their settings,
      you can have one "user" settings file containing user preferences,
      one "system" settings file containing system-dependent settings
      and a "cache" settings file with temporary values that can be
      safely deleted.
  • Centralized storage for default values in the Project Settings.
    • No more duplication if you need to use the same setting in several places.
  • Smart, resilient saving.
    • Saves settings automatically when quitting.
    • Saves settings if a setting was changed recently, with a short debounce
      delay to avoid unnecessary I/O. This way, settings are preserved if the
      project crashes.


See godot-settings-manager-demo.


This asset currently requires Godot 3.1 alpha 4 or later.

  • Clone this repository or
    download a ZIP archive.
  • Add addons/settings_manager/settings_manager.tscn as an autoload in your project's settings.
    You can give it any name you wish, but it's recommended to use SettingsManager
    as a convention.


Copyright 2018-2019 Hugo Locurcio and contributors

Unless otherwise specified, files in this repository are licensed under the MIT license; see LICENSE.md for more information.