
Godot 3D NPC Trading with Dialog Intermissions for Godot 3.2

MIT License


Godot 3D Drag&Drop NPC Trading with Interactions and Dialog

Example project made with Godot 3.2 beta4

Features | Examples:

  • Prepared template resources for new items and item slots
  • Example for creating new items with rarity levels from a base item with visual item rarity border and background coloring
  • Example for mouse drag & drop with different dropzones and returns on reset depending on item ownership
  • Example for price calculation depending on exchange rates between the parties
  • Example for item tooltip on mouse hover that scales and always stays inside the viewport size
  • Example for doubleclick items and added item comparison to the tooltip with a keymodifier
  • Example for stacking notification messages that autohide after a few seconds
  • Scripts for utility that scans for images and items in defined folders at startup and create a dictionary for convenient access by filename.
    This way you can always reorganize your image / item folder structure without breaking a million filepaths on projects that grow large
  • Ruby colors!

Future Addons:

I wasn't able to provide the full code for the dialog and interactions part with this first release. It was way to dependent on my current dialog system so it has to wait until I can release the full dialog and camera system as well in the near future.

  • Godot 3D Dialogsystem and Camera
  • Example for changing trader dialog reactions on repetitive interactions
  • Example for trader dialog reactions depending on trade outcome
    e.g. did you rob them, did they make money from you, went everything equal or was it a high rarity item worth mentioning
  • Godot 3D LookAt controller
  • Example for controlling the traders animations for head and eye movement to react to the player interactions

NOT included:

  • Yasmin my trader girl from the demo is not included, bring your own 3d character actors.
  • Layout is not intended for anything below full hd resolution ( well ... who wants to suffer a mouse controlled desktop game below this anyway )

Setup | Usage

Step 1 - Add Item Images

The example project comes with a premade trading scene that autostarts and various helper scripts to get you started but first we need some item images.

Place all your images in the assets/images/ folder or below in as many subfolders as you need for your project and use unique filenames for them. The image script scans for .webp, .png. and .jpg file endings.

All found images are added as key:value pair to a dictionary with the imagename as key and the loadpath as value. From now on you can access the loadpath of images by typing game.image_data.get("unique_image_name") from everywhere in your game without caring for the excact path as long as you keep your imagenames unique e.g. with a prefix. If you need other formats edit the scan_dir_for_images() function in the data script.

Step 2 - Add Item Resources

Place all your item resources in the data/items/ folder or below in any subfolder. The scripts scans for all .tres resource files so don't mix them with anything else in the items subfolders. Same as with images, all items are added to a dictionary and you access them with game.item_data.get("unique_item_name").

Step 3 - Add Item Stats

Edit your item resources one by one. Give them a unique item_id , a display_name, a desription and your image. Some stats are already for the next expensions and have no effect rightnow apart from visuals like max_stack and unique. sellable prevents the items from showing up in trade, the base_price is the cost and sell value of the item before exchange modifiers are applied. category, rarity and slot are self-explanatory and pick from the pulldown menu what you see fit..

Step 4 - Add Trader NPC

You can add as many new trader npcs as you want with their own inventories. The current setup is, that you add them as a child node to the characters node, name them how you want and attach the NPC.gd Script to the node.

Step 5 - Add Items and Money to Inventory

At the moment there is a project cheat that adds all created items to both player and npc trader at the game start. You find this block in the game script in the _ready() function. There you can see a script example how to create and add items as well as money to the inventories of both player and npc.

Step 6 - Start Trading

You can control the trade window manually by calling game.start_trading( "the_trader_name" ) function from everywhere with the traders name as a text string.

There are two optional parameters as well. inventory_id replaces the npcs real inventory temporarily. This is usefull for quests or other special events where you want to hide the real inventory of the npc for this interaction. Selling and buying is still possible and sold player items are added to the real inventory to not get lost. The dialog_id at the moment serves no purpose but will be important when the dialog addon is added.


MIT or my personal 'Don't care' license, do whatever you want with this example and create something fun and awesome with Godot.

Known Issues

The code has some parts that may seem redundent ... and they are. I ripped this example from a larger project of mine and had to fix many dependencies by copy&pasting from old versions. It was a real hassle and I ran out of patient ... left those dead code blocks that didn't produce any issues for now. Will revisit it later with the dialog, camera and look_at integration.

On rare occasion the drop exchange zones can get stuck and prevent further itemdrags. Annoying but nothing gamebreaking and fixed by pressing the cancel button. I was able to track the error down to the way godot handles mouse enter/exit signals under the hood (and chokes on them) but even with a workaround couldn't fix it completly for now.

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