
This is a small library that provides a simple Kotlin DSL in order to colorize console log output w/ ANSI characters.

APACHE-2.0 License



Table of contents

Colorful console logging

This is a small library that provides a simple Kotlin DSL in order to colorize console log output w/ ANSI characters.

Here's an example of how to use this:

fun main() {
  // Example 1.
  colorConsole {//this: ColorConsoleContext
    printLine {//this: MutableList<String>
      span(Purple, "word1")
      span(Blue, "word3")
    printLine {//this: MutableList<String>
      span(Green, "word1")
      span(Purple, "word2")
      line {//this: MutableList<String>

  // Example 2.
  val map = mapOf(
    "Key1" to "Value1",
    "Key2" to "Value2",
  colorConsole {
    printLine(spanSeparator = "\n") {
      span(Red("Printing map line 1"))
      span(Green, "Printing map line 2")
      map.forEach { (label, value) ->
        // Each span is on a separate line as spanSeparator is \n
        span("${Cyan(label)}: ${White(value)}")

How to import this dependency into gradle (using JitPack)

You can import this dependency into your gradle projects by making the following changes to your build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file.

  1. Add this at the end of your repositories section.

    For build.gradle:

    repositories {
      repositories {maven { url '' }}

    For build.gradle.kts:

    repositories {
        url = uri("")
  2. Add the dependency.

    For build.gradle:

    dependencies { implementation 'com.github.nazmulidris:color-console:1.0.0' }

    For build.gradle.kts:

    dependencies { implementation ("com.github.nazmulidris:color-console:1.0.0") }

Information about this dependency on JitPack:

  • You can find this dependency on JitPack
  • You can find the JitPack build logs

Publishing this to JitPack

This article has extensive details on how to publish a library to JitPack with this library as the example.

GitHub Packages Registry (deprecated 2021-04-12)

How to import this in gradle

In order to load the package for the library from GitHub Packages Registry, the official docs provide some detailed examples of the provider side of things. And you can extrapolate what the consumer side of things might look like. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that a read:packages scoped GitHub personal access token will be required by the consumer of the package (and has to be accessible their build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file).

Make sure to provide the following environment variables before you import this package.

  1. GITHUB_PACKAGES_IMPORT_TOKEN - this token has read:packages scope. This is ok to share.
  2. GITHUB_PACKAGES_USERID - this is the GitHub username for the token. This is ok to share.

Here is more information on how to declare your own maven repositories using gradle.

To import this library into your Gradle project, please add the following lines in your build.gradle file in order to use this library (in Groovy).

repositories {
  maven {
    name = "GitHubPackages"
    url = uri("")
    credentials {
      username = System.getenv("GITHUB_PACKAGES_USERID") ?: "nazmulidris"
      // Safe to share the password since it is a `read:package` scoped token.
      password = System.getenv("GITHUB_PACKAGES_IMPORT_TOKEN") ?:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.developerlife:color-console:1.0'

Here's the Kotlin DSL version for build.gradle.kts:

repositories {
  maven {
    name = "GitHubPackages"
    url = uri("")
    credentials {
      username = System.getenv("GITHUB_PACKAGES_USERID") ?: "nazmulidris"
      password =
        System.getenv("GITHUB_PACKAGES_IMPORT_TOKEN") ?: "22e9ba0d47c3e9116a2f1023867a1985beebfb60"

dependencies {

How to publish this to GitHub Package Registry

To learn how to publish a library to GitHub Package Repository as a gradle dependency, please read this tutorial.

In order to test whether this is deployed locally, you can use the following command ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal. This should dump the dependency on your local machine in the following folder $HOME/.m2/repository/com/developerlife/color-console/. Just look for a folder with the version number in there, which will contain all the generated artifacts.

Once you have verified that everything is working locally, it is time to publish it to the GitHub Package Registry. Use ./gradlew publish to do this. In order to do this the following environment variables need to be set:

  1. GITHUB_PACKAGES_PUBLISH_TOKEN - this token has repo, write:packages scope. Do NOT share
  2. GITHUB_PACKAGES_USERID - this is the GitHub username for the token. This is ok to share.