
Telegram Bot for Grafana's Annotations

MIT License


Telegram Bot for Grafana's Annotations

This is the Grafana annotations Telegram bot that notifies you when new annotations will be added to Grafana.


/start tagName,anotherOneTag
You're successfully subscribed for tags:
tagName anotherOneTag
You're successfully unsubscribe for tags: [tagName anotherOneTag]
Version: 5.4.2
Database: ok

Telegram Bot
Version: v2.1.0
Build date: 2024-05-24T15:14:46Z
Go version: go1.21.6
Uptime: Fri, 24 May 2024 15:15:40 UTC



docker pull

Bolt Storage

docker run -d \
	-e 'GRAFANA_URL=http://grafana:3000' \
	-e 'STORE=bolt' \
    -e 'BOLT_PATH=/data/bot.db' \
	-e 'TELEGRAM_ADMIN=1234567' \
	-e 'TEMPLATE_PATH=/templates/default.tmpl' \
	-v '/data/grafana-annotations-bot:/data' \
	-v '${PWD}/default.tmpl:/templates/default.tmpl' \
	--name grafana-annotations-bot \

ETCD Storage

docker run -d \
	-e 'GRAFANA_URL=http://grafana:3000' \
	-e 'STORE=etcd' \
	-e 'ETCD_ENDPOINTS=localhost:2379' \
	-e 'ETCD_TLS_INSECURE=true' \
	-e 'TELEGRAM_ADMIN=1234567' \
	-e 'TEMPLATE_PATH=/templates/default.tmpl' \
	-v '/data/grafana-annotations-bot:/data' \
	-v '${PWD}/default.tmpl:/templates/default.tmpl' \
	--name grafana-annotations-bot \

Build from source

go get


Flag ENV Required Default Description
--grafana.url GRAFANA_URL True The URL that's used to connect to the Grafana, example: http://localhost:3000
--grafana.token GRAFANA_TOKEN True The Bearer token used to connect with Grafana API
--grafana.scrapeInterval GRAFANA_SCRAPE_INTERVAL False 10s Scrape annotations interval
--grafana.tls.insecure GRAFANA_TLS_INSECURE False false Insecure connection to Grafana API
--grafana.tls.insecureSkipVerify GRAFANA_TLS_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY False false Grafana TLS config - insecure skip verify
--grafana.tls.cert GRAFANA_TLS_CERT False Grafana TLS config - client cert file path
--grafana.tls.key GRAFANA_TLS_KEY False Grafana TLS config - client key file path
--store.type STORE_TYPE False bolt The store to use. Possible values: bolt, etcd
--store.keyPrefix STORE_KEY_PREFIX False annotationsbot/chats Prefix for store keys
--bolt.path BOLT_PATH False /tmp/bot.db Bolt database file path
--etcd.endpoints ETCD_ENDPOINTS False localhost:2379 The endpoints that's used to connect to the etcd store
--etcd.tls.insecure ETCD_TLS_INSECURE False false Insecure connection to ETCD
--etcd.tls.insecureSkipVerify ETCD_TLS_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY False false ETCD TLS config - insecure skip verify
--etcd.tls.cert ETCD_TLS_CERT False ETCD TLS config - client cert file path
--etcd.tls.key ETCD_TLS_KEY False ETCD TLS config - client key file path ETCD_TLS_CA False ETCD TLS config - CA file path
--log.json LOG_JSON False false Tell the application to log json, default: false
--log.level LOG_LEVEL False info The log level to use for filtering logs, possible values: debug, info, warn, error
--telegram.token TELEGRAM_TOKEN True The token used to connect with Telegram. Token you get from @botfather
--template.path TEMPLATE_PATH True The path to the template
--telegram.admin TELEGRAM_ADMIN True Telegram admin IDs


Users may be allowed to command the bot specifies by multiply --telegram.admin command line option.


grafana-annotations-bot --telegram.admin=123 --telegram.admin=456

Or by specifying a newline-separated list of telegram user IDs in the TELEGRAM_ADMIN environment variable.


TELEGRAM_ADMIN="123\n456" grafana-annotations-bot

Message template

Message template specifies by --template.path command line option or by TEMPLATE_PATH environment variable. Default template

Template variables
Go template variable Type Description
{{.Title}} string Annotation title
{{.Message}} string Annotation message
{{.Tags}} []string Annotation tags
{{.JoinedTags}} string Annotation tags joined to string by new line separator
{{.FormattedDate}} string Annotation date in RFC1123 format
{{.Text}} string Raw annotation body string



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