
Development environment for iframe embedding of JWT enabled grafana

APACHE-2.0 License


Grafana iframe with JWT embedded token sample

Setting up this sample

  • Clone grafana repo

git clone

make devenv sources="auth/jwt_proxy"

Add the following to your grafana configuration.

You may need to copy the jwks.json and change the path of jwk_set_file accordingly.

enabled = true
enable_login_token = true
header_name = X-Forwarded-Access-Token
username_claim = login
email_claim = email
jwk_set_file = devenv/docker/blocks/auth/oauth/jwks.json
cache_ttl = 60m
expected_claims = {"iss": "http://env.grafana.local:8087/auth/realms/grafana", "azp": "grafana-oauth"}
auto_sign_up = true
url_login = true

allow_embedding = true
  • Start the sample repository

yarn && yarn start

Example login: jwt-admin:grafana

What's going on?

  • Sample app authenticates against keycloak (oauth provider) and retrieves JWT token

  • Sample app builds a grafana URL to the dashboard with the JWT token embbeded in the URL

Example: http://env.grafana.local:3000/d/RciOKLR4z/bob-the-board?orgId=1&kiosk&auth_token=eyJhbxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • This URL is used to display an iframe
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