
Graphite-web tailored for running with a metrictank backend

APACHE-2.0 License



Graphite-mt provides a graphite installation tailored for running with a metrictank backend.

When run, the container will expose graphite via HTTP on port 80.

running the image

For correct operation, the GRAPHITE_CLUSTER_SERVERS environment variable must be set with the host:port of the metrictank server (or LB address if running a cluster)

docker run -p 80:80 -e GRAPHITE_CLUSTER_SERVERS=metrictank:6060 raintank/graphite-mt


Additional environment variables can be set to adjust performance.


    • if set to a number, will configure the graphite installation to pass that x-org-id to metrictank.
    • if set to a any non-empty string, will configure the graphite installation to pass "x-org-id: 1" header to metrictank.
    • if not set, all requests to graphite must include a "x-org-id" header with a valid orgId or metrictank must be configured with multi_tenant=false
      otherwise authentication will fail.


  • WSGI_PROCESSES: (2) the number of WSGI daemon processes that should be started
  • WSGI_THREADS: (2) the number of threads to be created to handle requests in each daemon process
  • WSGI_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT: (120) the maximum number of seconds allowed to pass before the daemon process is shutdown and restarted when the daemon process has entered an idle state
  • WSGI_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: (65) maximum number of seconds that a request is allowed to run before the daemon process is restarted
  • WSGI_MEMORY_LIMIT: (10737418240 aka 10Gi) maximum amount of memory a daemon process can use (on platforms that support it)
  • WSGI_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_LIMIT: (10737418240 aka 10Gi) maximum amount of virtual memory a daemon process can use (on platforms that support it)
  • WSGI_MAX_REQUESTS: (1000) limit on the number of requests a daemon process should process before it is shutdown and restarted.
  • WSGI_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: (120) the maximum number of seconds that a request is allowed to run before the daemon process is restarted.


  • GRAPHITE_SECRET_KEY: (UNSAFE_DEFAULT) Set this to a long, random unique string to use as a secret key for this install
  • GRAPHITE_ALLOWED_HOSTS: (*) In Django 1.5+ set this to the list of hosts your graphite instances is accessible as. See:
  • GRAPHITE_TIME_ZONE: (Etc/UTC) Set your local timezone
  • GRAPHITE_LOG_ROTATION: (true) rotate logs
  • GRAPHITE_LOG_ROTATION_COUNT: (1) number of logs to keep
  • GRAPHITE_LOG_RENDERING_PERFORMANCE: (true) log performance information
  • GRAPHITE_LOG_CACHE_PERFORMANCE: (true) log cache performance information
  • GRAPHITE_LOG_FILE_INFO: (info.log), set to "-" for stdout/stderr
  • GRAPHITE_LOG_FILE_EXCEPTION: (exception.log), set to "-" for stdout/stderr
  • GRAPHITE_LOG_FILE_CACHE: (cache.log), set to "-" for stdout/stderr
  • GRAPHITE_LOG_FILE_RENDERING: (rendering.log), set to "-" for stdout/stderr
  • GRAPHITE_DEBUG: (false) Enable full debug page display on exceptions (Internal Server Error pages)
  • GRAPHITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_DURATION: (0) Duration to cache metric data and graphs
  • GRAPHITE_USE_WORKER_POOL: (true) Creates a pool of worker threads to which tasks can be dispatched
  • GRAPHITE_POOL_WORKERS_PER_BACKEND: (8) The number of worker threads that should be created per backend server
  • GRAPHITE_POOL_WORKERS: (1) A baseline number of workers that should always be created
  • GRAPHITE_REMOTE_FIND_TIMEOUT: (30) Timeout for metric find requests
  • GRAPHITE_REMOTE_FETCH_TIMEOUT: (60) Timeout to fetch series data
  • GRAPHITE_MAX_FETCH_RETRIES: (2) Number of retries for a specific remote data fetch
  • GRAPHITE_FIND_CACHE_DURATION: (0) Time to cache remote metric find results
  • GRAPHITE_STATSD_HOST: ("") If set, django_statsd.middleware.GraphiteRequestTimingMiddleware and django_statsd.middleware.GraphiteMiddleware will be enabled.


To build the image, run:

make build


To push the image to GCR:

make push
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