
Pipeline code for public releases of Loki and GEL



This repository was built to replace our existing workflow, which was mostly a manual process. This new workflow (diagramed below), runs on a daily cron trigger, whenever a commit to a release branch is made, or at the end of our automated weekly release process.

In the following diagram, light blue stadium-shaped nodes indicate manual actions, parallelagrams indicate automated actions, and a rhombus indicates a conditional flow.

graph TD;
    manual([manual action]) --> automated[/automated action/];
    manual --> conditional{conditional flow}
    conditional --> |yes| satisfied([condition satisfied])
    conditional --> |no| unsatisfied([condition not satisfied])

    style manual fill:lightBlue

The new workflow is depicted below. Note that there are only 4 manual steps (1 of which is optional, the other 3 of which are merging a PR, with 1 of those only needing to happen when releasing the newest version):

graph TD;
    cron[/daily cron trigger/] --> validate[/validate, test, and lint code/];
    commit([commit to release branch]) --> validate;
    weekly[/weekly roll-out to prod finishes/] --> validate;

    validate --> buildBinaries[/build release artifacts/];
    buildBinaries --> uploadBinaries[/upload release artifacts to GCS/];
    uploadBinaries --> releasePlease[/create or update release PR with release please/];

    releasePlease --> mergeReleasePR([merge release PR]);

    mergeReleasePR --> createDraftRelease[/create draft rekease/];
    createDraftRelease --> attachArtifacts[/attach release artifacts to draft release/];

    mergeReleasePR --> updateChangelog[/update changelog in main to add new version/];
    updateChangelog --> updateUpgradeGuide[/update upgrade guide in main to add new version/];
    updateUpgradeGuide --> prDocUpdatesMain[/create PR  for changelog and upgrade guide updates into main/]

    mergeReleasePR --> isLatestVersion{is release newest version?};
    isLatestVersion --> |yes| updateVersions[/update references to binary and image versions in repo, helm, and ksonnet/];
    updateVersions --> prUpdatesMain[/create PR for version updates into main/]

    prDocUpdatesMain --> mergePRs([merge updates PR into main]);
    prUpdatesMain --> mergePRs;
    isLatestVersion --> |no| mergePRs;
    attachArtifacts --> mergePRs;

    mergePRs --> publishRelease[/publish draft release/];

    publishRelease --> isLatestVersionPost{is release newest version?};
    isLatestVersionPost --> prDocsWebsite[/create PR to update docs website/]
    prDocsWebsite --> mergeDocsWebsite([merge docs website PR])

    style commit fill:lightBlue,stroke:darkBlue;
    style mergeReleasePR fill:lightBlue,stroke:darkBlue;
    style mergePRs fill:lightBlue,stroke:darkBlue;
    style mergeDocsWebsite fill:lightBlue,stroke:darkBlue;


  1. Install jsonnet dependencies jsonnet and jsonnetfmt

  2. Install node dependencies

    npm install


For now, I'm just keeping a backlog here

TODO: release PR needs to: - update references to binary versions - update references to image versions - update helm/ksonnet versions - update the upgrade guide if (this is likely going to require the upgrade guide to be made of individual files): - there are config changes - there are metric changes

TODO: how to force upgrade guide changes? - maybe fail a release PR if metric or config changes are detected unless it has both: - an upgrade guide for that version - a tag on the PR indicating it's been checked

TODO: can the release-please PR be against main with the correct backport?

  • otherwise, how do we handle updating the docs/releases/changelog in main?

TODO: define validate

  • check generated files

  • check gomod

  • check shellcheck

  • check doc drift

  • validate example configs

  • check example config docs

  • check helm values doc

  • define which images are going to be built

    • loki
      • amd64
      • arm64
      • arm
      • multi-arch
    • loki-canary
      • amd64
      • arm64
      • arm
      • multi-arch
    • logcli
      • amd64
      • arm64
      • arm
      • multi-arch
    • promtail
      • amd64
      • arm64
      • arm
      • multi-arch
    • lokioperator
      • amd64
      • arm64
      • arm
    • fluent-bit
      • amd64
    • fluentd
      • amd64
    • logstash
      • amd64
    • querytee
      • amd64
  • there is no longer a need to announce, since we have a long running PR

  • the cron job needs to use the GitHub api to call the prepare release pipeline with the correct branches

  • cool feature


First release of a new branch (ie. releasing 1.5.0 from release-1.5.x) needs a special commit:

git commit --allow-empty -m "chore: release 1.5.0" -m "Release-As: 1.5.0"

cool new feature

cool feature again

coolest feature yet

need to test something