
repo for lambda extension

APACHE-2.0 License




Add pyroscope-lambda-extension to your lambda In your lambda, add the pyroscope client. For example, the go one

func main() {
		ApplicationName: "simple.golang.lambda",
		ServerAddress:   "http://localhost:4040",


Keep in mind it needs to be setup BEFORE the handler setup. Also the ServerAddress MUST be http://localhost:4040, which is the address of the relay server.

Then set up the PYROSCOPE_REMOTE_ADDRESS environment variable. If needed, the PYROSCOPE_AUTH_TOKEN can be supplied.

For a complete list of variables check the section below.


env var default description
PYROSCOPE_REMOTE_ADDRESS the pyroscope instance data will be relayed to
PYROSCOPE_AUTH_TOKEN "" authorization key (token authentication)
PYROSCOPE_SELF_PROFILING false whether to profile the extension itself or not
PYROSCOPE_LOG_LEVEL info error or info or debug or trace
PYROSCOPE_TIMEOUT 10s http client timeout (go duration format)
PYROSCOPE_NUM_WORKERS 5 num of relay workers, pick based on the number of profile types
PYROSCOPE_FLUSH_ON_INVOKE false wait for all relay requests to be finished/flushed before next Invocation event is allowed
PYROSCOPE_HTTP_HEADERS {} extra http headers in json format, for example: {"X-Header": "Value"}
PYROSCOPE_TENANT_ID "" phlare tenant ID, passed as X-Scope-OrgID http header
PYROSCOPE_LOG_FORMAT "text" format to choose from from "text" and "json"
PYROSCOPE_LOG_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT time.RFC3339 logging timestamp format (go time format)
PYROSCOPE_LOG_TIMESTAMP_DISABLE false disables automatic timestamps in logging output
PYROSCOPE_LOG_TIMESTAMP_FIELD_NAME "time" change default field name in logs of automatic timestamps
PYROSCOPE_LOG_LEVEL_FIELD_NAME "level" change default field name in logs of level
PYROSCOPE_LOG_MSG_FIELD_NAME "msg" change default field name in logs of message
PYROSCOPE_LOG_LOGRUS_ERROR_FIELD_NAME "logrus_error" change default field name in logs of logrus error
PYROSCOPE_LOG_FUNC_FIELD_NAME "func" change default field name in logs of caller function
PYROSCOPE_LOG_FILE_FIELD_NAME "file" change default field name in logs of caller file

How it works

The profiler will run as normal, and periodically will send data to the relay server (the server running at http://localhost:4040). Which will then relay that request to the Remote Address (configured as PYROSCOPE_REMOTE_ADDRESS)

The advantage here is that the lambda handler can run pretty fast, since it only has to send data to a server running locally.

Keep in mind you are still billed by the whole execution (lambda handler + extension).


Initial setup

  1. a) Install asdf then run asdf install
  2. b) Or if you prefer, install the appropriate go version (for the exact go version check .tool-versions)
  3. make install-dev-tools
  4. If you have installed using asdf, you need to reshim (asdf reshim), to make asdf aware of the global tools (eg staticcheck)

Running the extension

You can run the extension in dev mode. It will not register the extension.

It's useful to test the relay server initialization. Keep in mind there's no lambda execution, therefore to test data is being relayed correctly you need to ingest manually (hitting http://localhost:4040/ingest).

PYROSCOPE_DEV_MODE=true go run main.go

Building the layer

Although it's technically possible, at the time of this writing I could not run a lambda extension build locally.

Therefore to test it with a lambda locally you need to:

  1. Login to aws
  2. make publish-layer-dev

It will build and push the layer.

If you are testing using the hello-world app, don't forget to update the version in Layers field of template (./hello-world/template.yml)

Running the lambda locally

make lambda-local

Other tips

To test pushing data to a local pyroscope instance, you can set up in the lambda layer the ip address of your computer (eg

Self hosting the extension

It's possible to publish the extension on your own AWS account


GOOS=linux GOARCH=$ARCH go build -o bin/extensions/pyroscope-lambda-extension main.go
cd bin
zip -r extensions
aws lambda publish-layer-version \
  --layer-name "pyroscope-lambda-extension" \
  --region=$YOUR_REGION \
  --zip-file "fileb://"


deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-run scripts/publish.ts --name=pyroscope-extension --dry-run=false