
The Icinga2-exporter utilize Icinga2 API to fetch service based performance data and publish it in a way that lets prometheus scrape the performance data as metrics.

GPL-3.0 License




The icinga2-exporter utilizes the Icinga 2 REST API to fetch service based performance data and publish it in a way that lets Prometheus scrape the performance data as metrics.

The service is based on Quart. Quart's is compatible with Flask but based on Asyncio.


  • Enable advanced queries and aggregation on timeseries
  • Prometheus based alerting rules
  • Grafana graphing
  • Utilize investments with Icinga 2 of collecting metrics

Metrics naming

Metric names

Metrics that is scraped with the icinga2-exporter will have the following name structure:


The icinga2 prefix can be changed by the configuration Unit is only added if it exists on performance data

Example from check command check_ping will result in two metrics:


Metric labels

The icinga2-exporter adds a number of labels to each metrics:

  • hostname - is the host_name in icinga2
  • service - is the display_name in icinga2

Optional icinga2-exporter can be configured to add specific custom variables configured on the host.


Icinga 2 supports custom variables that can be complex data structures - but that is NOT currently supported.

Labels created from custom variables are all transformed to lowercase.

Performance metrics name to labels

As described above the default naming of the Prometheus name is:


For some checks this does not work well like for the disk check command where the perfname are the unique mount paths. For checks like that the where the perfname is defined depending on environment you can change so the perfname instead becomes a label. This is defined in the configuration like:

      # The command name
        # the label name to be used
        label_name: mount

So if the check command is disk the Prometheus metrics will have a format like, depending on other custom variables :

icinga2_disk_bytes{hostname="icinga2", service="disk", os="Docker", mount="/var/lib/icinga2"} 48356130816.0

If we did not make this translation we would got the following:

icinga2_disk_slashvarslashibslashicinga2_bytes{hostname="icinga2", service="disk", os="Docker"} 48356130816.0

This would not be good from a cardinality point of view.

Scrape duration

The scrape duration is a metrics that is reported for all targets.

icinga2_scrape_duration_seconds{hostname="<target>", server="<icinga2_server_url>"} 0.160983

Scrape response

When requests are made to the exporter the following responses are possible:

  • A target that exists - return all metrics and http status 200
  • A target does not exists - return no metrics, empty response, and http status 200
  • The export fail to scrape metrics from icinga2 - return empty response and http status 500

In the last scenario the exporter will log the reason for the failed scrape. A failed scrape can have multiple reasons, for example:

  • The icinga2 server is not responding
  • Not having valid credentials
  • Request to icinga2 timeout



The icinga2-exporter is configured by a yaml based configuration file.


# Port can be overridden by using -p if running development quart
#port: 9638

  # The url to the icinga2 server
  user: root
  passwd: cf593406ffcfd2ef
  # All prometheus metrics will be prefixed with this string
  metric_prefix: icinga2
  # Example of custom vars that should be added as labels and how to be translated
    # Specify which custom_vars to extract from hosts in icinga2
    - env:
        # Name of the label in Prometheus
        label_name: environment
    - site:
        label_name: dc

  # This section enable that for specific check commands the perfdata metrics name will not be part of the
  # prometheus metrics name, instead moved to a label
  # E.g for the disk command the perfdata name will be set to the label disk like:
  # icinga2_disk_bytes{hostname="icinga2", service="disk", os="Docker", disk="/var/log/icinga2"}
      # The command name
        # the label name to be used
        label: mount

  # Path and name for the log file. If not set send to stdout
  logfile: /var/tmp/icinga2-exporter.log
  # Log level
  level: INFO

When running with gunicorn the port is selected by gunicorn


The log stream is configure in the above config. If logfile is not set the logs will go to stdout.

Logs are formatted as json so its easy to store logs in log servers like Loki and Elasticsearch.

Prometheus configuration

Prometheus can be used with static configuration or with dynamic file discovery using the project monitor-promdiscovery.

Please add the job to the scrape_configs in prometheus.yml.

The target is the host_name configured in icinga2.

Static config

  - job_name: 'icinga2'
    metrics_path: /metrics
      - targets:
        - icinga2
        - google.se
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance
      - target_label: __address__
        replacement: localhost:9638

File discovery config for usage with monitor-promdiscovery

  - job_name: 'icinga2'
    scrape_interval: 1m
    metrics_path: /metrics
    - files:
      - 'sd/icinga2_sd.yml'
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance
      - target_label: __address__
        replacement: localhost:9638


  1. Check out the git repo.

  2. Install dependency

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Build a distribution

    python setup.py sdist

  4. Install locally

    pip install dist/icinga2-exporter-X.Y.Z.tar.gz



Run the icinga2-exporter with the built-in Quart webserver:

python -m  icinga2_exporter -f config.yml

To see all options:

python -m  icinga2_exporter -h

Production with hypercorn as ASGI continer

Hypercorn is the recommended ASGI container for Quart. Install hypercorn with:

pip install hypercorn

Running with default config.yml. The default location is current directory

hypercorn "icinga2_exporter.main:create_app()

Set the path to the configuration file.

hypercorn "icinga2_exporter.main:create_app('/etc/icinga2-exporter/config.yml')"

Port 8000 is the default port for hypercorn. For more configuration for hypercorn please visit https://pgjones.gitlab.io/hypercorn/index.html

Test the connection

Check if exporter is working.

curl -s http://localhost:9638/health

Get metrics for a host where target is a host, host_name that exists in icinga2

curl -s http://localhost:9638/metrics?target=google.se

System requirements

Python 3.

For required packages please review requirements.txt.

Package Rankings
Top 13.56% on Pypi.org
Extracted from project README
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