
Python client to access weather data from Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), the federal meteorological service in Germany.

MIT License


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.. _dwdweather2-readme:

########### dwdweather2 ###########

Python client to access weather data from Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD <https://www.dwd.de/>__), the federal meteorological service in Germany.

.. note::

Please note this library will gradually be phased out.
You should consider using its successor library "`Wetterdienst <https://github.com/earthobservations/wetterdienst>`_".



pip install dwdweather2


Command line usage

Get all stations with daily resolution::

dwdweather stations --resolution=daily

Get all stations with hourly resolution (default)::

dwdweather stations --resolution=hourly

Get all stations with 10_minutes resolution::

dwdweather stations --resolution=10_minutes

Get closest station (first argument is longitude, second is latitude)::

dwdweather station 7.0 51.0

Export stations as CSV::

dwdweather stations --type csv --file stations.csv

Export stations as GeoJSON::

dwdweather stations --type geojson --file stations.geojson

Get weather at station for certain hour (UTC)::

dwdweather weather 2667 2019-06-01T15:00

To restrict the import to specified categories, run the program like::

dwdweather weather 2667 2019-06-01T15:00 --categories air_temperature precipitation pressure

Finally, to drop the cache database before performing any work, use the --reset-cache option::

dwdweather stations --reset-cache

Choose dataset with daily resolution::

dwdweather weather 44 2020-06-01 --resolution=daily

Choose dataset with hourly resolution::

dwdweather weather 44 2020-06-01T08 --resolution=hourly

Choose dataset with 10_minutes resolution::

dwdweather weather 2667 2019-06-01T15:20 --resolution=10_minutes

Usage as library

.. code:: python

from datetime import datetime from dwdweather import DwdWeather

Create client object.

dwd = DwdWeather(resolution="hourly")

Find closest station to position.

closest = dwd.nearest_station(lon=7.0, lat=51.0)

The hour you're interested in.

The example is 2014-03-22 12:00 (UTC).

query_hour = datetime(2014, 3, 22, 12)

result = dwd.query(station_id=closest["station_id"], timestamp=query_hour) print(result)

DwdWeather.query() returns a dictionary with the full set of possible keys as outlined in doc/usage-library.rst.


  • Data is cached in a local sqlite3 database to improve query
    performance for consecutive invocations.
  • The "stations cache" is filled upon first request to
    DwdWeather.stations() or DwdWeather.nearest_station()
  • The "stations cache" will not be refreshed automatically. Use
    DwdWeather.import_stations() to do this.
  • The "measures cache" is filled upon first access to measures using
    DwdWeather.query() and updated whenever a query cannot be
    fulfilled from the cache.
  • The cache by default resides in the ~/.dwd-weather directory.
    This can be controlled using the cachepath argument of
  • The amount of data can be ~60 MB per station for full historic extent
    and will obviously increase by time.
  • If weather data is queried and the query can't be fulfilled from the
    cache, data is loaded from the server - even if the data has been
    updated a second before. If the server doesn't have data for the
    requested time (e.g. since it's not yet available), this
    unnecessarily causes network traffic and wait time. Certainly space
    for improvement here.


Code license

Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE <https://github.com/panodata/dwdweather2/blob/master/LICENSE>__ for details.

Data license

The DWD has information about their terms of use policy in German <https://www.dwd.de/DE/service/copyright/copyright_node.html>__ and English <https://www.dwd.de/EN/service/copyright/copyright_node.html>__.

Project information


Thanks to Marian Steinbach <https://github.com/marians>, all other contributors and the DWD <https://www.dwd.de/>.


See file CHANGES.rst <https://github.com/panodata/dwdweather2/blob/master/CHANGES.rst>__.

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