
Spring Boot 3 Microservices Course Repository


Spring Boot Microservices

This repository contains the latest source code of the spring-boot-microservices tutorial

You can watch the tutorial on Youtube here

Services Overview

  • Product Service
  • Order Service
  • Inventory Service
  • Notification Service
  • API Gateway using Spring Cloud Gateway MVC
  • Shop Frontend using Angular 18

Tech Stack

The technologies used in this project are:

  • Spring Boot
  • Angular
  • Mongo DB
  • MySQL
  • Kafka
  • Keycloak
  • Test Containers with Wiremock
  • Grafana Stack (Prometheus, Grafana, Loki and Tempo)
  • API Gateway using Spring Cloud Gateway MVC
  • Kubernetes

Application Architecture

How to run the frontend application

Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • Angular CLI

Run the following commands to start the frontend application

cd frontend
npm install
npm run start

How to build the backend services

Run the following command to build and package the backend services into a docker container

mvn spring-boot:build-image -DdockerPassword=<your-docker-account-password>

The above command will build and package the services into a docker container and push it to your docker hub account.

How to run the backend services

Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

Start Kind Cluster

Run the k8s/kind/create-kind-cluster.sh script to create the kind Kubernetes cluster


This will create a kind cluster and pre-load all the required docker images into the cluster, this will save you time downloading the images when you deploy the application.

Deploy the infrastructure

Run the k8s/manisfests/infrastructure.yaml file to deploy the infrastructure

kubectl apply -f k8s/manifests/infrastructure.yaml

Deploy the services

Run the k8s/manifests/applications.yaml file to deploy the services

kubectl apply -f k8s/manifests/applications.yaml

Access the API Gateway

To access the API Gateway, you need to port-forward the gateway service to your local machine

kubectl port-forward svc/gateway-service 9000:9000

Access the Keycloak Admin Console

To access the Keycloak admin console, you need to port-forward the keycloak service to your local machine

kubectl port-forward svc/keycloak 8080:8080

Access the Grafana Dashboards

To access the Grafana dashboards, you need to port-forward the grafana service to your local machine

kubectl port-forward svc/grafana 3000:3000
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