
Additional GraphQL Extension created through Java reflection to provide annotation-driven development by providing additional annotations for faster setup of GraphQL objects and easier way of managing DataFetcher objects inside RuntimeWiring object.

MIT License


Additional Graphql Extensions

Project information

Additional GraphQL Extension created through Java reflection to provide annotation-driven development by providing additional annotations for faster setup of GraphQL objects and easier way of managing DataFetcher objects inside RuntimeWiring object.

How to add following project as dependency

    <version>use the latest version</version>

How to add github credentials for public packages

In your .m2 find settings.xml, and add following code blocks to it.


For personal access token access, only "read packages" is enough so that maven can resolve the dependency.

Under repositories add the following code block for repository specification


Additional dependencies which are required to use the following the extension


How to use the GraphQL Extension

  1. Create Configuration class for scanning Graphql packages
public class AutoGraphqlConfiguration {}
  1. Create service for enabling GraphQL objects
public class GraphqlService {

    @GraphqlObject(schemaType = GraphqlObjectEnum.CLASSPATH, schemaValue = "graphql/shema.graphqls")
    private GraphQL graphQL;

    private RuntimeWiring runtimeWiringQL;

  1. Now since you have linked the GraphQL schema file to the creation of the GraphQL object, you simply need to define DataFetchers for each of the operations in the schema file.
    Procedure to-do the following is:
@DataFetcherQL(operationName = "{NAME_OF_THE_GRAPHQL_OPERATION}")
public class AllEarthquakesDataFetcher implements DataFetcher<{RETURN_TYPE}> {

    public {RETURN_TYPE} get(DataFetchingEnvironment dataFetchingEnvironment) throws Exception {
  1. Optional step: If your project is logging vast number of ReflectionExceptions, it's because the dependency have reported bug, and to disable this, just disable logging for following package
    Inside the add the following line*=ERROR

Perfomance testing

Time for fetching all of the datafetcher objects, setting up the runtime wiring and setting the graphql object.

Number of data fetchers Time to setup DataFetchers Time to setup Runtime Wiring Time to setup GraphQL
1 37ms 38ms 163ms
2 53ms 54ms 203ms
5 42ms 44ms 160ms
10 42ms 43ms 162ms
15 41ms 42ms 161ms
20 39ms 40ms 155ms
30 49ms 50ms 179ms

Summary of test results

Following test results show the that the fetching all of the beans with annotation @DataFetcherQL takes about in average 40ms, no matter what is the number of them. Runtime Wiring setup about 1ms to make that object with linking all of the queries and data fetchers to one object. GraphQL object takes in average more time, about 160ms, because in case using the schema file, it's needed to load a schema file from resource loader and adapt runtime wiring with loaded file.

Extracted from project README
GitHub license