
Help us take over the world! React + TS + GraphQL Chat App

GPL-3.0 License

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  • WIP

Tech Stack

  • WIP

🚀 Local Development

Start developing locally.

Before you get started make sure you sign up for these service providers


clone this repo


Install all dependencies

# install server side deps
cd convoychat
npm install

# install client side deps
cd client
npm install


Environment variables

Now this is a bit tricky.

  • create a new file .env in the root folder
  • open .env.EXAMPLE
  • copy the contents and paste it to the .env

And change all the dummy keys with your own valid ones.

Step-3.1 : Setup Auth0

Most importantly you'll need Auth0

Follow this guide -

Also it is important that you setup all the callback URLs correctly in Auth0 Dashboard.

(You can open an issue or contact me on twitter if you get stuck)

Step-3.2 : Setup Cloudinary (Optional)

If you are working on a feature which includes image uploads you'll also need to setup cloudinary

Follow this guide -

Also it is important that you setup all the callback URLs correctly in Auth0 Dashboard.

Step-4: Starting the server

Finally to start the server execute this script

npm run develop

All Package.json scripts

  • Main Dev scripts
    • dev:tsc - Compiles typescript code
    • dev:server - Runs and watches server for file changes
    • dev:client - Runs the client side
    • develop - Starts the app, runs dev:tsc, dev:server- dev:client at once
  • Tests
    • test:server - Run all tests for server
    • test:client - Run all tests for client
  • Codegen & Infra
    • codegen - Runs graphql codegen for client
    • lint - Runs ESlint
    • lint:fix - Runs ESlint & Fixes,
    • prettier - Runs prettier

✌️ Contributing

You wanna contribute? wow amazing. thats great to hear.

After cloning & setting up the local project you can push the changes to your github fork and make a pull request.

Pushing the changes

git add .
git commit -m "feat: added new stuff"

Made with ❤️ and javascript

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