
Graphql Crud Operation Project


Project Title

GraphQL Playground: Empowering Data Management with Flexible CRUD Operations

Table of Contents

Project Overview

Welcome to graphl_project, a GraphQL-based CRUD application designed to provide a flexible and efficient way to manage data operations. This project aims to demonstrate how GraphQL can streamline data interactions by offering a powerful alternative to traditional API architectures.


  • GraphQL CRUD Operations:
    • Create: Implement the ability to create new resources through GraphQL mutations.
    • Read: Retrieve data from the server using GraphQL queries.
    • Update: Update existing resources via GraphQL mutations.
    • Delete: Delete resources from the server using GraphQL mutations.
    • GraphQL Schema: Define GraphQL types and operations to facilitate CRUD functionality.

Technologies Used

List the technologies and frameworks used in your project.

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • GraphQL
  • React
  • Apollo Client
  • MongoDB

Getting Started

Below are the instructions for setting up and running the project locally:


1.Clone the repository - git clone

2.Navigate to the Project Directory -cd graphql_project

3.Install Dependencies-

  1.Frontend Dependencies-cd client && npm install
  2.Backend Dependencies-cd server && npm install

Running the Application

  1. start clinet -cd client && npm start
  2. start server -cd server && node index.js


Provide instructions for how to use my application. Include any relevant information about interacting with the GraphQL API or using the React client.

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