
A simple way to create and parse graphql query on node application

MIT License


Table of Contents

Note: V1 template will be deprecated soon. Use V2 instead

What is?

json-graphql-parser is a modular and simpler way to write graph ql query from any node/javascript application. User doesn't have to know the complex structure of a graphql schema, rather its being driven by objects.

Quick example:

graphql syntax

query MyQuery {
  users(limit: 5, offset: 5, where: {_and: {id: {_eq: "123"}}}, order_by: {created_at: asc}) {
    user_like {

json-graphql-parser syntax

    display: 'fetch users',
    name: 'Fetch_Users',
    function: 'users',
    return: [
            "play_like": [
    orderBy: {
        "created_at": "desc"

Note: json-graphql-parser was introduced keeping in mind to solve graphql parsing and understanding issue. It never been thought to replace too complex queries which are tough to maitain. If you have very complex queries, break it in multiple simple one. Handling very complex queries are in pipeline (check What next ) however not scoped or estimated yet


Visit https://jgpp.koustov.com/


    npm install json-graphql-parser axios url
    # or
    yarn add json-graphql-parser axios url


  1. Import ES6

    // ES6
     import { submit, submit_multi } from 'json-graphql-parser/v2/index.js';
    // ES5
    const { submit, submit_multi } = require("json-graphql-parser/v2/index.js");
  2. Usage

    submit(query_config, url, additional_header);

Query Configuration


Below are the major parameters in a json-graphql-parser object

  1. display: Optional | String : Give a display name for the query

  2. name: Optional | String : Query name

  3. function: Optional | String : Target graphql function name . Typical format of function name is <operation_type:mandatory>table:mandatorysuffix:optional.


    1. table_name: For fetch
    2. Update_table_name: For update
    3. Insert_table_name_One: For inserting one entry
    4. Insert_table_name_multi: For inserting multiple entries
  4. return: Required | String Array: Array parameters to return

  5. write: Optional | Boolean : Denotes if the given request is for a write or read operation. In other word mutation

  6. object: Optional | Object: Value of a row when inserting and object

  7. value: Optional | Object: Keyvalue paired object when its intended to update specific property of a row

  8. where: Optional | Object: Contains an object structure to denote the where clause.


        where: {
            clause {
                class:      "[Optional | String] Target class name",
                operator:   "[Optional | String] Operator type (or/and)",
                conditions: [{
                    field:      "[Optional | String]: Field in question",
                    operator:   "[Optional | String] Operator (eq | ne | in | ilike | <any graphql operator>)",
                    value:      "[Optional | String] Value to match",
                    type:       "[Optional | String] Type of the value Required only when one wants to pass string value explicitly,
                    class:      "[Optional | String] Target class name",
                    clause:     "[Optional | Object] More recursive conditions"
  9. orderBy: Optional | Object : Inform the server what would be ordering mechanism on returned data Format: {<attribute_name>: <order direction: asc|desc>}

  10. offset: Optional | Number: Offset record number. In other word skip the recird by.

  11. limit: Optional | Number: Limit the return count. offset and limit together can form pagination mechanism

Query Constrinction

  1. Basic Select Query

    • Definition: Get all user ids from users table
    • Structuring:
      • display: "Fetch user ids"
      • function: "Fetch_users"
      • return: ["id"]
    • Final object:
      display: 'Fetch user ids',
      name: 'Fetch_users',
      function: 'users',
      return: [
  2. Basic Select Query with order by

    • Definition: Get all user ids from users table ordered by date of creation
    • Structuring:
      • display: "Fetch user ids"
      • function: "Fetch_users"
      • return: ["id"]
      • orderBy: {created_at: "desc"}
    • Final object:
      display: 'Fetch user ids',
      name: 'Fetch_users',
      function: 'users',
      return: [
      orderBy: {
          "created_at": "desc"
  3. Basic Select Query with order by and clause

    • Definition: Get all user ids from users table where the user belongs to india and ordered by date of creation
    • Structuring:
      • display: "Fetch user ids"
      • function: "Fetch_users"
      • return: ["id"]
      • orderBy: {created_at: "desc"}
      • where:
            operator: 'and',
                conditions: [
                        field: 'country',
                        operator: 'eq',
                        value: "india",
                        type: 'string'
    • Final object:
      display: 'Fetch user ids',
      name: 'Fetch_users',
      function: 'users',
      return: [
      orderBy: {
          "created_at": "desc"
      where: {
          operator: 'and',
              conditions: [
                      field: 'country',
                      operator: 'eq',
                      value: "india",
                      type: 'string'
  4. Basic Select Query with order by and multiple clauses

    • Definition: Get all user ids from users table where the user belongs to india and department is finance and ordered by date of creation
    • Structuring:
      • display: "Fetch user ids"
      • function: "Fetch_users"
      • return: ["id"]
      • orderBy: {created_at: "desc"}
      • where:
            operator: 'and',
                conditions: [
                        field: 'country',
                        operator: 'eq',
                        value: "india",
                        type: 'string'
                        field: 'department',
                        operator: 'eq',
                        value: "finance",
                        type: 'string'
    • Final object:
          display: 'Fetch user ids',
          name: 'Fetch_users',
          function: 'users',
          return: [
          orderBy: {
              "created_at": "desc"
          where: {
              operator: 'and',
                  conditions: [
                          field: 'country',
                          operator: 'eq',
                          value: "india",
                          type: 'string'
                          field: 'department',
                          operator: 'eq',
                          value: "finance",
                          type: 'string'

Note: In conditions, you could either use field, operator and value properties or you can nest one level down using clause

  1. Insert Query

    • Definition: Add a user John Doe to collection
    • Structuring:
      • display: "Insert user"
      • write: true
      • function: "insert_users_one"
      • return: ["affected_rows"]
    • Final object:
      display: 'Insert user',
      name: 'Insert user',
      write: true,
      function: 'insert_users_one',
      object: {
          name: 'Jhn Doe',
          department: 'finance',
          country: 'us'
      return: [
  2. Update Query

    • Definition: Update a user John Doe and set country to india
    • Structuring:
      • display: "Update user"
      • function: "update_users"
      • write: true
      • where: {'name': 'John Doe}
      • value: {'country': 'india'}
      • return: ["affected_rows"]
    • Final object:
      display: 'Insert user',
      name: 'Insert user',
      function: 'insert_users_one',
      write: true,
      value: {
          country: 'india'
      where: {
          operator: 'and',
              conditions: [
                      field: 'name',
                      operator: 'eq',
                      value: "John Doe",
                      type: 'string'
      return: [

More Examples

A bunch of examples have been given under queries from an outstanding open-source application called Reactplay


Check the object schema here

What next

  1. Till date this package is intended to solve the simplistic graphql problems. Now its time to go more complex and generic
    Issue: (https://github.com/koustov/json-graphql-parser/issues/14)[https://github.com/koustov/json-graphql-parser/issues/14]
  2. grapql to json-graphql-parser object converter
    Issue; (https://github.com/koustov/json-graphql-parser/issues/15)[https://github.com/koustov/json-graphql-parser/issues/15]

Contribution 🍰

Feel free to create issue and make pull request

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MIT © Koustov