
Team communication optimized for deep work

OTHER License



Project Status

Level began with the ambitious idea of solving the problems caused by real-time communication tools. After pouring thousands of hours effort into the cause, I made the tough decision to move on from the project.

Read the full story here →

This codebase is a full-scale Elixir/Phoenix SaaS application with a single-page app Elm front-end. I hope it will live on as a helpful resource for the community.

— Derrick Reimer, Founder

Developer Setup

You'll need to install the following dependencies first:

Run the bootstrap script to install the remaining dependencies and create your development database:

cd level

If your local PostgreSQL install does not have a default postgres user, open the config/dev.secret.exs file and update the credentials. Then, run the bootstrap script again.

Use the script/server command to start up your local server and visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Installing Node.js

This repository includes a .nvmrc file targeting a specific version of Node that is known to be compatible with all current node dependencies. Things might work with a newer version of Node, but the most guaranteed route is to install Node Version Manager and run nvm install from the project root.

Then, be sure to run script/bootstrap to install node dependencies with the correct version of node.

Running tests and analyses

We have a handful of helper scripts available:

  • script/elixir-test: runs the Elixir test suite with coveralls
  • script/elm-test: runs the Elm test suite
  • script/test: runs the Elixir and Elm test suites
  • script/static-analysis: runs Credo (Elixir linting), Dialyzer, and Elixir formatter verification
  • script/build: runs all the test suites and static analysis


The following environment variables must be set in production:

The following variables are for non-essential external services.


Run the script/docs to generate and view the project ExDocs locally.

Heroku Deployment (Experimental)

One of our goals is to make self-installation as painless as possible for those who are interested in hosting their own instance.

The relevant configuration files for Heroku live here:

We are aiming to keep seamless Heroku deployment up-to-date, with a few important "alpha software" notes:

  • It's possible you may find it broken on master. If you do, please file an issue.
  • As deployment needs grow more complex, it may become no longer feasible to support Heroku deploys. Caveat emptor.

Required additional services

In addition to a Heroku account, you'll need the following services to get your Heroku install up and running:

  • An AWS account and an S3 bucket for storing file uploads. You'll be asked for AWS API keys and bucket name environment variables during setup.
  • A transactional email provider (we recommend Postmark). You'll be asked for SMTP host, port, username, and password environment variables during setup.


© 2019 Level Technologies, LLC

Level is source-available software. (license | readme)